Phase full academic work done in the possibility of starting
to have been started last January 11 schools of the standard 10 and 12 hours after getting the case curves koronana Gujarat, which is no big obstacle coming in and now COVID 19 Guidelines, running academic assignments, he now aimed at It is likely that full academic work will be started in phases in coordination with the Department of Education and the Department of Health
Std. 9 and Std. 11 schools are likely to start from Monday

. We are preparing to start Std. 9th and 11th schools from the beginning of February. Has there been an outbreak of infection among students and teachers in the city or village where the incidence of covid-19 cases is high after the commencement of standard 10 and 12 classrooms from January 11? A report with a review is being sought from the district education officer, on the basis of which a decision may be taken to start schools on Monday 25th January or Monday 1st February from 9th and 11th.
Schools for Std. 1 to 5 primary education may start from April.
Due to Corona, board examinations are to be held in May this year, while the education department may start Std. So, this year will not be a long summer vacation. Examinations for non-board standards will be held in June.
Gujarat School News 2021
GCERT has prepared alternative study literature for students of Std. 1 to Std. 8 in the state. The Secretary GCERT has sent a circular to all the District Project Coordinators and Primary Education Officers of the state to print this literature from the district level and distribute it to the students of all government primary schools.
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Students Parents "Pramotion"
The circular has directed to arrange for the printing of this literature in book form and sending it to the students. Alternative study literature includes things that students can continue to study at home. All District Project Coordinators and Primary Education Officers have been asked to make arrangements for delivery in book form to the students.
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