SCERTs will release the NMMS model question papers in December 2020 after the conduction of the exams. NMMS 2020 question papers will be released on the official website of the respective SCERT.
NMMS question papers 2020-21 will be available in a pdf format. NMMS 2020 exams was conducted on December 13, 2020, for most of the states.
There are 12 videos for NMMS 2021. This video explains the questions asked in the exam which are very useful for the bright students of 8.
12The following is also a link to the YouTube video of 12 different videos so far.
Arranging the alphabets in alphabetical order
8Students of Std.8 are requested to share specially .....

tudents who will be appearing must solve the NMMS previous year question papers.
These question papers help in knowing the exam pattern and important topics. Therefore, students must refer to the NMMS question papers 2020-21 to know the difficulty level of the NMMS exam. Solving the question papers helps i improving the time management skill.
It also prepares the student for the exam day in the best way possible. In addition to this, NMMS question papers 2020-21 also helps in understanding the essential topics which are frequently asked in the exams, in a better way. Read this article to download the NMMS 2020 question papers and know the latest exam pattern and syllabus.
Students preparing to appear for NMMS must solve and analyse question papers of NMMS for better practice.
Not only do students get acquainted with the exam pattern, but also score well when they practice NMMS previous year question paper.
These question papers are also helpful in understanding the types of questions asked in the NMMS exam. Moreover, NMMS question paper can also be treated as sample papers to analyse the preparation level and identify the weak and strong areas of a student.
Aspirants can easily download NMMS question papers of previous year's on from the links given below. Read the complete article on NMMS question papers to know the process to download the same.
State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERTs) releases the NMMS question papers within two weeks of the exam date.
SCERTs may release the NMMS sample papers at the respective official websites. Sample papers of the National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) will aid the entire preparation process as it provides the exact exam pattern with a similar difficulty level to that of the scholarship exam.
Aspirants can access the NMMS previous year’s question paper to get benefited similarly.
MHRD, NEW DILHI has implemented a scheme called National Means cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) for students studying in Std 8.
55% of General and OBC category studying in Std-7 of Government Primary and Granted Schools and ST and SC 50% or equivalent grade and whose parents' annual income does not exceed Rs. 150,000 Students who have can take the exam.
👉અત્યાર સુધીના ના જુદાજુદા 12 ભાગના વિડીયો પણ નીચે યુ ટ્યુબ ની લિંક પણ મુકેલ છે.
👉ભાગ-1 સંખ્યા શ્રેણી-1 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-2 સંખ્યા શ્રેણી-2 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-3 સંખ્યા શ્રેણી-3. - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-4 સંખ્યા શ્રેણી-4 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-5 આકૃતિ પરથી ચોરસ,લંબચોરસ, ત્રિકોણ કેટલા બનશે. CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-6 કઈ તારીખે કયો વાર હશે? - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-7 લોહીના સંબંધો ભાગ-1 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-8 લોહીના સંબંધો ભાગ-2 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-9 કઈ આકૃતિ અલગ પડે છે? - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-10 વર્ગીકરણ ભાગ-1 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-11 વર્ગીકરણ ભાગ-2 - CLICK HERE
👉ભાગ-12 મૂળાક્ષરોને મૂળાક્ષરોના ક્રમમાં ગોઠવવા - CLICK HERE
The State Examination Board, Gandhinagar has conducted an examination every year to select the beneficiary students for this scholarship.
After the examination, the students who come in merit in the district-wise fixed quota are entitled to a monthly scholarship of Rs. Students will be credited Rs. 12000 per annum through MHRD and Rs. 48000 will be credited to their bank account through the four year National Scholarship Portal if they are eligible for Std. 9 to 12.
These scholarship forms are filled with the aim of benefiting students with poor financial status from the cooperation of the education family city.
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