Ekam Kasoti Mokuf Rakhva Babate Rajya Sangh ni Rajuat Sandarbhe niyamak sir no Letter.
covid-19 The President of Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union has submitted a representation to the Department of Education on 25-7-2020 regarding the postponement of the unit test of primary school children during the period which is originally attached herewith.
After students, unemployed youth, farmers and hope workers, primary teachers in Gujarat have also taken to the streets to express their anger against the government.
Under the auspices of the All India Primary Teachers Union and the Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union, primary teachers staged a picket at the Satyagraha camp in Gandhinagar on Monday.
Primary teachers from different districts of the state had arrived on CL leave to participate in the picket.
Despite the announcement of recruitment, a large number of academic assistants also joined the picket.
Teachers say the government has stopped grade-pay of Rs 4,200 without giving any information, which is a demand that teachers must meet.
Teachers also demanded that the defunct pension scheme be re-introduced and that benefits be given to teachers as per the old pension scheme.
Apart from this, the teachers have come up with other costly demands
Like the eradication of malaria, the work of voter list,
The circular was written by the Joint Director of Primary Education of the State of Gujarat to all the District Education Officers and Primary Education Officers to ensure that food is not wasted in social functions like weddings, parties, meetings.
The main findings of the report are that food spoilage is more prevalent during social gatherings, weddings and birthday celebrations," the circular said.
Ekam Kasoti Mokuf Rakhva Babate Rajya Sangh ni Rajuat Sandarbhe niyamak sir no Letter.
To carry out awareness campaign through audio-visual publicity in schools and colleges for this. The circular suggests finding NGOs to distribute food among the poor.
Controversy erupted over the circular and teachers expressed resentment.
Earlier, a circular was issued in Banaskantha district asking the teachers of Gujarat to work on locust repellent.
In December, farmers were in trouble due to locust infestation in villages of Vav and Suigam talukas of Banaskantha district.
The Gujarat government had issued a circular in this regard and this circular was sent to all the primary and secondary school principals of the taluka.
Controversy erupted when extra work was imposed on teachers who were burdened with many tasks.
"I don't know what to do when I go to school," says teacher Jagrutibahen, describing the plight of primary school teachers.
Should I do yoga? Do cleaning work or provide scholarship information? "
"I don't understand. Should I do the entrance ceremony? Should I do the quotient? Or should I do the new version 2.0 of the quotient?"
However, the teachers are dissatisfied with the government and are in the mood to agitate against the government till the end.
Brijpalsingh Gohil, a teacher in Gharana, said, "We have staged protests at the taluka level and at the district level. We are also protesting here at the state level. However, if the government does not accept our demand, we are ready to go to Delhi to protest."
covid-19 The President of Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union has submitted a representation to the Department of Education on 25-7-2020 regarding the postponement of the unit test of primary school children during the period which is originally attached herewith.

After students, unemployed youth, farmers and hope workers, primary teachers in Gujarat have also taken to the streets to express their anger against the government.
Under the auspices of the All India Primary Teachers Union and the Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union, primary teachers staged a picket at the Satyagraha camp in Gandhinagar on Monday.
Primary teachers from different districts of the state had arrived on CL leave to participate in the picket.
Despite the announcement of recruitment, a large number of academic assistants also joined the picket.
Teachers say the government has stopped grade-pay of Rs 4,200 without giving any information, which is a demand that teachers must meet.
Teachers also demanded that the defunct pension scheme be re-introduced and that benefits be given to teachers as per the old pension scheme.
Apart from this, the teachers have come up with other costly demands
Like the eradication of malaria, the work of voter list,
The circular was written by the Joint Director of Primary Education of the State of Gujarat to all the District Education Officers and Primary Education Officers to ensure that food is not wasted in social functions like weddings, parties, meetings.
The main findings of the report are that food spoilage is more prevalent during social gatherings, weddings and birthday celebrations," the circular said.
Ekam Kasoti Mokuf Rakhva Babate Rajya Sangh ni Rajuat Sandarbhe niyamak sir no Letter.
To carry out awareness campaign through audio-visual publicity in schools and colleges for this. The circular suggests finding NGOs to distribute food among the poor.
Controversy erupted over the circular and teachers expressed resentment.
Earlier, a circular was issued in Banaskantha district asking the teachers of Gujarat to work on locust repellent.
In December, farmers were in trouble due to locust infestation in villages of Vav and Suigam talukas of Banaskantha district.
The Gujarat government had issued a circular in this regard and this circular was sent to all the primary and secondary school principals of the taluka.
Controversy erupted when extra work was imposed on teachers who were burdened with many tasks.
"I don't know what to do when I go to school," says teacher Jagrutibahen, describing the plight of primary school teachers.
Should I do yoga? Do cleaning work or provide scholarship information? "
"I don't understand. Should I do the entrance ceremony? Should I do the quotient? Or should I do the new version 2.0 of the quotient?"
However, the teachers are dissatisfied with the government and are in the mood to agitate against the government till the end.
Brijpalsingh Gohil, a teacher in Gharana, said, "We have staged protests at the taluka level and at the district level. We are also protesting here at the state level. However, if the government does not accept our demand, we are ready to go to Delhi to protest."
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