Date 2-9-2020 Home learning video DD Girnaar
Today 2nd September on Doordarshan DD Girnar will be passed under Home Learning for Std. 3rd to 12th students who should take note. Today is a holiday for Std. 10 and 11 students. Std. 3rd and 4th is about environment The subject is standard 7 social science and English subject is standard 8 social science and English is about standard 9 science subject is standard 12 mathematics subject

Information and communication technology services have expanded significantly in every sphere of life in the last three decades. The education sector is no exception. Through the oral tradition of ancient gurukula and ashram, education has set many steps. The whole scenario of reading has changed a lot in this second decade of the 21st century, going through the more or less traditional black and chalk of the last century. Today's school education is becoming equipped with modern tools and devices. Ordinary blackboards have been replaced by smartboards and various types of marker pens have replaced chalk. The stick used to point has been replaced by a laser pointer. Slide projectors and LCD projectors are now becoming an essential requirement for every class.
Date 2-9-2020 Home learning video DD Girnaar
The prevalence of audio-visual system in education is gradually increasing. Touch screen boards are now being used in schools for easy and better presentation. The modus operandi of the education system is changing very fast. School, college and university education is being adversely affected due to the lockdown implemented to curb the growing effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. As a result, education is now rapidly moving towards e-learning.
This article discusses the growing role of e-learning, its features and challenges in this field.
What is meant by e-learning?
E-learning refers to education received with the help of internet and other communication tools in its place.
There are various forms of e-learning, including web based learning, mobile based learning or computer based learning and virtual classrooms etc. From today, when the concept of e-education came many years ago, the world was not so comfortable with it, but with the passage of time, e-education has made its place in the entire educational system.
Types of e-learning
E-learning can be divided into two categories-
Synchronous educational system- This educational system implies that ‘at the same time’ i.e. students and teachers communicate with each other from different places. By learning a subject in this way, students get to know the immediate answer to their questions, which also removes their doubts related to that subject. This is why it is also called real time learning. In this type of e-learning system, study material is made available to the students with the help of many online tools. Some examples of synchronous e-learning systems include audio and video conferencing, live chat and virtual classrooms. These methods have become more popular in the last few years.
Asynchronous educational system- This educational system implies that ‘not in one time’ i.e. there is no alternative to real time educational communication between student and teacher. In this system, information related to the course is already available. For example web based study, in which students learn with the help of an online course, blog, website, video tutorials, e-books etc. The biggest advantage of such e-learning system is that students can access educational courses at any time, whenever they want. This is why a large section of students prefer to do their studies through asynchronous educational system.
Status of e-learning in India
E-Education is one of the key areas recognized by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology for providing education using educational tools and media. In fact, e-education is in its infancy in India right now.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is actively emphasizing on developing equipment and technology to promote it.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is encouraging research and research projects focused on e-learning in various educational institutions. These include textbook development, research and development initiatives, projects related to human resource development and faculty training initiatives to improve literacy through distance learning.
With the number of Internet users in India expected to reach 900 million by the year 2025, a huge market is likely to emerge in the field of e-learning in India. A large number of new users are accessing e-learning through internet and other communication devices.
Government's efforts to increase e-learning
Study Web of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) is an integrated platform that offers online curriculum from school (9th-12th) to postgraduate level.
So far, 2769 Mass Online Online Courses (MOOC) have been offered on SWAYAM, in which about 1.02 crore students have enrolled in various courses.
Online courses are being used not only by students but also by teachers and non-student learners as ever learning in life.
NCERT is developing a module of massive online courses (MOOCs) for school education system in 12 subjects for class IX-XII.
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