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Friends Status In Hindi {NEW} Forever Friendship Status

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Friends status in Hindi

If you want Friends status in Hindi with images then you are at the right place, here you will get bulk of images related to best friends forever friendship status in Hindi.

Friends Status In Hindi With Images

You can download this friendship status easily and share on Whatsapp, or any other social media platform like Facebook.
Friends status in Hindi
 अपनी जिंदगी के अलग असूल है, यार की खातिर तो कांटे भी कबूल है!!
Friends status in Hindi
 कभी-कभी हम अपने Bestie कोदेखकर सोचते हैं जिससेइसकी शादी होगी उसकाक्या होगा!!
Friends status in Hindi
पहले 20 रुपये की लेदरबॉल के लिए 11 दोस्त पैसे इकट्ठेकरते थे,आज बॉल तो अकेला ला सकता हूँ,मगर 11 दोस्त इकट्ठे नही होते !
Friends play a very important role in our life, and they are the one with whom we spent lots of time, and share our personal matter also, they help us in our life bad phase also, and they are with us on our good phase also. It is important for us to maintain our friendship for a long time till death because once we left each other it becomes difficult to be friends like before. But some friends are like they felt the left and befriends without any fight also.

Friends Status In Hindi

Friends status in Hindi

Friends status in Hindi
 ज़िन्दगी एक रेलवे स्टेशन की तरह है, प्यार एक ट्रेन है जो आती है और चली जाती है,पर दोस्त Enquiry Counter है, जो हमेशा कहते हैं May I Help You !
Friends status in Hindi
जाओ ढूंढ लो हमसे ज्यादा चाहने वालादोस्त मिल जाए तो खुश रहना नामिले तो डूब के मर जाना….
Many times our childhood friends and our best friends that play very important role in our life go far from us because of any reasons, like they sift their house, or go for higher study and better education, so we can't meet like before, so we can just talk with them on call, but nowadays that's also difficult for us, because of busy day, and life problems we slowly felt to talk for few months also, by which our friendship becomes week, so you have to maintain your friendship stronger. 
Friends status in Hindi
 चाय मे Sakkar ना हो तो पीने मेे क्या mazaऔर लाइफमे दोस्त  ना  हो तो जीने मे क्या मज़ा   Love you my all friends...
Friends status in Hindi
 बरसों बाद कॉलेज के कैंटीन में गया,चाय वाले ने पूछा कि चाय के साथ क्या लोगे,मैंने कहा पुराने दोस्त मिलेंगे!!
Friends status in Hindi
ना gaadi🚗 ना bullet🏍️ ना ही रखे हथियार🔪,एक है सीने में जिगरा🔥,और दूसरे जिगरी यार👬..!! 
Friends status in Hindi
उनके कर्जदार और वफादार रहिएजो आपके लिए अपना वक्त देते हैं!क्योंकि अंजाम की खबर तो कर्ण कोभी थी…पर बात दोस्ती निभाने की थी!

Best Friends Forever Status In Hindi

So, you can share this Friends Status in Hindi or English images with them on their social media platforms, where you are connected with them, like Whatsapp, Facebook, or any other platforms you can share this images daily with them so that it will remind your friendship and your existence in their life. By which your friends will always be your best friends forever, either you meet them daily or yearly.

Friends status in Hindi
 ना किसीका baby हूँ,ना किसीका का Babu हूँ,और ना ही किसी का ​प्यार​ हूँ,बस कुछ ​दोस्त​ है मेर अपने, जिनका में cute कमीना Yaar हूँ...# Love you # यारो..
Friends status in Hindi
 सच्चा ‪दोस्त‬ मिलना बहोत ही ‪मुश्किल‬ है,मैं खुद ‪हैरान‬ हूँ कि तुम लोगों ने मुझे ‪ढूढ़‬ कैसे लिया।
Friends status in Hindi
 दोस्त वह होता है जो आपके भुतकाल को समझता है, आपके भविष्य पर विश्वास रखता है और आप जैसे हो वैसे ही आपको अपनाता है।
Friends status in Hindi
 अनुभव कहता है कि एक वफादार दोस्त हजार रिश्तेदारों से बेहतर होता है…
Friends status in Hindi

Friends Status in Hindi for Whatsapp and facebook.

Friends Status In Hindi

Here you will get royal friendship status also, and many different and new types of images status also get, because sometimes we don't get new images to share so we cant share that day, or if we share it feels cheap type, and your friends also don't like it to see some images, so here you get latest and bulk of status which you can share daily also, and we are updating by adding new status also every week, so you can visit this regularly or follow us on our social media like Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook where we inform our viewers about new post or new updates, so that you can check it out.

Friends Status In Hindi
We never change friends as per our choice, we change is our target of life to achieve. How is this status guys, I hope you like this status.

Friends Status In Hindi

Check out: Gujarati Status for Friends
                  Funny Images in Hindi

I hope you like this Friends status in Hindi with Images article, so now you can share it with your best friends to maintain your Friendship Forever. Stay connected for more status images like this.

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