Discover Plenty of under-utilized features which can ease your life and make you smart user of your phone. Do you know you can share your internet via BLE, WiFi, USB with others - If you are out of battery you can charge it with other mobile - No internet use GMaps offline to find your location - Leave no history via using Incognito - and many more. Starting from automating daily tasks, approaches which reduces efforts, tricks which helps utilizing smart way in efficient manner, etc are shown in text & video format to understand in better way.
Not just a phone, learn using your Android device as real SMART phone. Best part is you can use this app in offline mode also.

Tests of 30 Hardware Items & Sensors::
1. Multi-touch
2. Touch Screen
3. Earphones & Microphone (patented) : Automatically check the audio system from 300Hz to 12000 Hz by feedback system & FFT algorithms.
4. Speaker & Microphone (patented): Automatically check the audio system from 300Hz to 12000Hz by feedback system & FFT algorithms.
5. Call function: Check if the Smartphone can connect to base station.
Call function: Check if the Smartphone can connect to base station.
6. Accelerometer: Check if the Smartphone can detect the acceleration and gravity.
7. Gyroscope: Check if the Smartphone can detect the orientation.
8. Proximity Sensor: Check whether the proximity sensor can normally detect the approach of your face and shuts down the screen to avoid sense errors.
9. Display: Check display of monitor.
10. Compass: Check the stability of the compass.
11. Storage: Check the Storage speed.
12. Memory: Make sure the memory access speed is ok.
13. Spec Check: To confirm if it’s the exact Smartphone spec you bought in case of any spec error.
14. CPU: Use a benchmark to test performance.
15. Camera
16. Vibration (patented): Automatically check the vibrator.
17. Flash (patented): Automatically check the flash light.
18. Earphone jack: Detect if the earphone jack can detect the insertion of earphones.
19. GPS
20. 3G chip: Detect if the 3G chip can connect to the base station.
21. WiFi: Detect if the Smartphone can connect to WiFi AP.
22. Bluetooth: Check if Bluetooth can be turned on and connect to other iDevice.
23. Silent & Volume Control Button: Test mute and volume button.
24. Home Button
25. Sleep Button
26.Temperature Sensor
27.Pressure Sensor
28.Step Counter
29.Light sensor
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