Useful educational book for standard 3 to 5
This booklet has been prepared to reach out to more children and to strengthen the basics of language and to give simple reading and writing skills to children at home. The content contained in this booklet was not created all at once, but arose from time to time during and after Street Education. This literature has reached many children in a short period of time. The use of this literature has given good results with increased enthusiasm among children, so it has been decided to distribute this booklet among children, teachers, parents and education enthusiasts. It is believed that this booklet, which is very useful in street education, will also be very useful during school education and that the children will get better exposure to the language through various language activities and will strengthen their language basics.

This booklet aims to enrich children's language skills through word games and various activities. For this, about 10 sections have been given in this booklet. Instead of completing any section of this booklet at once, doing a few activities from different sections and changing sections will keep the children interested as well as providing variety. Word games also have several sub-sections, which can be used interchangeably with different types of words to keep children engaged.
About this booklet...
Shri Rajeshbhai Patel, Assistant Teacher, Khambhat Dist. Anand is delighted to have prepared a booklet called "Gujarati Homework"2 for students in classes 3 to 5 to gain greater exposure to basic language skills - especially reading and writing skills. This booklet will definitely be useful in reducing the learning loss of children in government primary schools in the Corona situation.
Mr. Rajeshbhai Patel has presented in this book the gleanings of the experience that Mr. Rajeshbhai Patel has done by sitting under trees in the fields for more than 250 days/1000 hours during street education in the Corona situation. He has put enough content in this booklet that children can read, write and easily understand by themselves and memorize daily throughout the year.
This booklet prepared by Shri Rajeshbhai 5tel will definitely be useful for all the children of Gujarat. Best wishes to him with many congratulations.
Bhai Shri Rajeshbhai Patel has produced a booklet named Gujarati Grihakarya to enrich the language knowledge of the children of class-2 to 5. This booklet with more than 365 pages covers many things like word games, use of dictionary, special topics related to environment, spelling, language enrichment, comprehension, essay writing, comprehension questions, synonyms and antonyms etc. This full-color booklet is designed to strengthen children's language skills through word games. One page of innovative homework per day can be given throughout the year as daily homework, so much more content is included in this booklet. By using this book, children's language knowledge will be enriched.
👆Specialists in the field of primary education,
An expert in child psychology and author/editor of more than 25 educational books, Navapura Pvt. School (Undel) Dt. Khambhat Distt. Edited by Rajeshbhai Patel, Anand's assistant teacher, a 377-page booklet that teaches children the language through games and gives one-page homework daily throughout the year, is *Gujarati Homework* -
Features of this booklet
1. Include things that children like
2. Learning through word games
3. Inclusion of environmental issues
4. Opportunity to use a dictionary
5. Mastery of Essay Writing
6. Including matters related to grammar
7. Special section for spelling
8. Also includes language skills
9. Colorful and attractive text
10. Content that children can easily understand
11. Examples are necessary for children to learn on their own
12. Reviewed by subject matter expert teachers
This booklet is...
A collection of 31 years of educational experience
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ગુજરાતી ગૃહકાર્યની પુસ્તિકા ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Mr. Rajeshbhai Patel has made an invaluable contribution in the field of education through the creation of Gujarati Homework, I would like to congratulate him on the education system of Anand district and wish him all the best for his progress.
Mr. Rajeshbhai Patel has
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