All over the world. The 21st anniversary is celebrated as Yoga Day 2022. This year The eighth International Yoga Day will be celebrated on June 21, 2022. This year Yoga Day will be celebrated on the theme "Yoga for Humanity". F. 6 All over the world 1457 Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual system. Our country India is the only one that gives the gift of yoga. Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means to connect or unite. Yoga symbolizes the union of body and soul. Yoga is a spiritual discipline. Today yoga is practiced in different forms all over the world and its popularity is also increasing day by day. Yoga has been a part of our Indian culture for centuries. Yoga is associated with meditation in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. (O C C 60 P The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Bhai Modi first discussed Yoga at the United Nations General Assembly. , Not jointly pressing the matter in this matter
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Prime Minister Modi said about yoga in the UN General Assembly, "Yoga is an invaluable gift to the world of India's ancient tradition. Yoga is a holistic approach to the unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment: harmony between man and nature, health and well-being.
Yoga is a holistic approach to the unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment: harmony between man and nature, health and well-being.

It is not just an exercise, it is a means of cultivating oneness with the world and nature through our intuition. Yoga will change our lifestyle and create awareness. It can help us fight climate change. So let's all work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.Many politicians and celebrities from all over the world have cooperated in the celebration of Yoga Day. The day is celebrated by people from around 170 countries around the world, including the United States, China, Japan, and Canada. Is. Through which people are appealed to adopt yoga in their daily life for physical, mental and intellectual health. Yoga works to bring about a positive change in our lives and improve our standard of living.
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Why Yoga Day? To connect people with nature to reach people with the wonderful and natural laws of yoga at the Vatican level. Strengthening Vedic cohesion to spread awareness among people that yoga can cure many ailments. Sankalpapatra I will always keep my mind balanced. To be able to create a calm and loving atmosphere around me through all my deeds
Yoga is one of the best gifts of Indian culture from the United Nations. Sadar Bhrastha has incorporated yoga into the global heritage. According to which, it has been decided to celebrate 21st June every year as "Viv Yoga Day". Under it is ours. "World Yoga Day" was celebrated in the primary school on 21st June. In our primary school, on 31st June, 20th, all the children from Std. Yoga is demonstrated by giving guidance about law and yoga and then the children are made to do yoga. The news of the celebration of this program was conveyed to the parents and villagers of the children through the children and teachers of this school. School Paripar and SMC in place of the principal of the school. Organized according to the outline of the program with members of. Villagers, parents, students and teachers were present at the school on this historic day in the morning of 31/4/20. The school provided basic necessities for yoga. The program was outlined with prayers and verses as per part 1. This was followed by minutes of light exercise such as neck rotation, wrist rotation and shoulder rotation as per Part II. Through which to take the program hundred

3 minutes of mild exercise such as neck rotation, wrist rotation, and shoulder rotation were performed. Which gave impetus to the program. In the third part of the program, yogasana was done for 15 minutes. In which Tadasana, Vrikshaasana, Ardha Chakrakshana, Trikonaksana etc. were done in standing food. After that in the sitting asanas Bhadrasana, Ardh Ustrasana, Shasakakshana and Vakrasana were performed under the guidance of Sahebshree. After that, sleeping asanas were also done. As well as all the yogasana work. This part was followed by a five minute break.
Kapalbhati yoga was then performed three times in the fourth part. Then 5 minutes pranayama was done in the fifth part. In which reversals were made. The atmosphere seemed to be disturbed by the hum of all the people. B Part 2 of the program was done with meditative asana, mudra.
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In the final phase, the villagers, parents, students and teachers came together and resolved that "unity should be maintained in the whole world, every human being should strive to be healthy, calm, happy and beloved". On this day in India, the land of yoga education, all the people parted with the joy of participating in a special and elaborate program.
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