Sainik school balachadi entrance exam for standard 6 and standard 9
Important Information and Dates at Glance
Activity Dates
Online Submission of Application Form 27.09.2021 to 26.10.2021( Upto 5.00 PM)
Last Date of Successful Transaction of Fee
through Credit/Debit Card/Net-
26.10.2021 (Upto 11.50 PM)
Fee Payable by candidates in INR:
Category Fee payable
General/Wards of Defence personnel and
ex-servicemen/OBC(NCL)* as per central list
Rs 550/-(Rupees five hundred and fifty
Scheduled castes/Scheduled tribes Rs 400/-(Rupees four hundred only)
*OBC-NCL List (other backward classes-non creamy layer) as per the Central List of other backward
classes available on the website of National Commission for Backward Classes(NCBC),, as on the first day of the month in which the process of Online Admission Form for
AISSEE commences. Candidates falling within this list may mention OBC-NCL in the Category column.
State/ UT list OBC(NCL) who are not in the Central List of OBC(NCL) must not choose the category
Note: The fee as mentioned above is exclusive of any taxes or service charges payable to
banks/payment organisations, that may be applicable Fee as mentioned above is non-refundable. Fee
once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Correction of details filled in application Form on
Website only
28.10.2021 to 02.11.2021
Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website Will be announced on the NTA website later
Date of Examination 09.01.2022(Sunday)
Duration of examination Exam for admission to Class VI: 150 minutes
Exam for admission to Class IX: 180 minutes.
Timings of examination Exam for admission to Class VI:
2.00 pm to 04.30 pm
Exam for admission to Class IX: 02.00 pm to 05.00
Exam centre As indicated in the admit card
Display of scanned OMR answer sheets, Question
Paper Sets and answer keys
Will be announced on NTA website later
Declaration of results Will be announced on NTA website later

Candidates can apply for AISSEE 2022 “Online” only on the website Application Form other than online mode will not be
2. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate.
3. If a candidate submits more than one Application Form for admission to the same level,
all his/her Application Forms shall summarily be rejected.
4. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and
on NTA website Candidates not complying with the
instructions shall be summarily disqualified.

5. Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and mobile number provided in the online application form are their own or that of their parents, as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on the given e-mail address or SMS on given mobile
number only.
6. Instructions for filling Online Application Form:
Download and read the Information Bulletin carefully to ensure your eligibility.
Follow the steps given below to Apply Online:
Step-1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email ID and Mobile No.
Step-2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No.
questions, etc.
આવતીકાલથી કઈ સુવિધા બંધ થઇ જશે સરકારી કર્મચારીઓને માટે જોવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો
18 માસના ડીએ એરિયર્સ બાબત આજના ન્યુઝ વાચવા અહી ક્લિક કરો
Step-3: Upload the following documents:
Scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb - 200 kb) in
JPG/JPEG format
Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb - 30kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
Candidate’s left-hand thumb impression. (file size 10 kb -50 kb) in JPG/JPEG
format. (In case of any eventuality of left thumb being unavailable, right hand
thumb impression may be used)
Date of Birth Certificate
Domicile Certificate
Caste/ Community/ Category Certificate
Certificate of service (for Defence category-serving) and PPO for Ex-
servicemen, as applicable.
(The certificates as detailed above: File size (100 kb to 400 kb) in JPG or JPEG
(If the information given or documents uploaded are not correct or incomplete or
cannot be corroborated with the required original certificates at the time of
admission, the candidate is liable to be rejected and admission denied to him or
Step-4: Pay fee using SBI/ICICI Bank/Paytm Payment Gateway through Debit
Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid. In case the
Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee, then the
transaction is cancelled and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s
account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case
the Confirmation Page is not generated.
Download save and print copies of confirmation page after successful remittance of fee and
keep copies safely for future reference.
All the 4 steps can be done together in one go or at different times.
7. The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-3 and
Step-4 are not complete. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on
this account will be entertained.
8. Candidates are advised to keep the application number and password generated
during registration confidential and use them to view registration data and download
admit card, results etc.
9. Any request to change the exam centre, date and time provided on the admit card shall
not be considered under any circumstances.
10. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA
under any circumstances.
11. The entire application process of AISSEE 2022 is online, including uploading of
scanned images, certificates, Payment of Fees, and Printing of Confirmation Page.
Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including
Confirmation Page to NTA through Post/ Fax/ by Hand.
12. Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA website
regularly for all examination related updates and to check their emails. However
candidates are advised to visit the respective school website for information about the
13. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil box, Handbag,
Purse, cap, goggles, jackets, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed
or written material), Eatables (loose or packed), Mobile Phone/ Ear Phone/
Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, DocuPen, Slide Rules, formulae, Log Tables, whitener,
Camera, Tape Recorder, Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic
item or electronic gadgets/ devices, pointed instruments etc in the Examination
1. Candidates are advised to read the Information Bulletin carefully and go through the instructions
regarding filling of Online Application Form given on AISSEE 2022 website,before starting online registration.
2. Candidate should ensure that all information entered during the online registration process is
3. Online information provided by candidates like name of candidate, gender, contact/ address
details, category, educational qualification details, date of birth, etc during online registration
for AISSEE 2022 will be treated as correct/final and NTA will not entertain, under any
circumstances, any request for change in information provided by the candidates.
4. NTA disclaims any liability that may arise to candidate(s) due to incorrect information provided
by the candidate(s) during online registration process.
5. NTA does not edit /modify/alter any information entered by the candidates after completion of
registration process under any circumstances. Any request for change in information thereafter
will not be entertained. Therefore, aspirants are advised to exercise utmost caution while filling
up correct details in registration system.
Usage of Data and Information:
NTA can use the data provided by the candidate for internal purpose(s) including training, research and
development, analysis and other permissible purpose(s).
Help Desk:
Candidates can call on any of the following numbers of NTA for any assistance/clarification:
011 4075 9000, 011 6922 7700
Help Desk will be open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Saturday.
They can also write to NTA at [email protected].
Candidates are advised to quote their application number, email ID and mobile number in their
correspondence with NTA or the respective schools.
The Ministry of Education (MOE), Government of India (GOI) has established National Testing
Agency (NTA) as an independent autonomous and self-sustained premier examining
organization under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 for conducting efficient, transparent
and international standards exams in order to assess the competency of candidates for
admissions to premier higher educational institutions.
The objectives of NTA, inter-alia, include:
i. To conduct efficient, transparent and international standard exams in order to
assess the competency of candidates for admission.
ii. To undertake research on educational, professional and examining system to
identify gaps in the knowledge systems and take steps for bridging them.
iii. To produce and disseminate information and research on education and
professional development standards.
Sainik Schools Society (SSS) is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Defence,
Govt of India. The Society runs Sainik Schools. Sainik Schools are English medium residential
schools affiliated to CBSE. Sainik Schools prepare Cadets to join the National Defence
Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla (Pune), Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala and other Training
Academies for officers. At present there are a total of 33 Sainik Schools across the country.
List of schools is given in Appendix -I
Sainik Schools Society (SSS) offers admission to Class VI and Class IX for the academic year
2022-23. Admission is based on the performance of candidates in the All India Sainik Schools
Entrance Examination (AISSEE). The final selection is based on school-wise, class-wise,
category-wise rank in merit list of the Entrance examination, medical fitness approved by
competent Medical authorities and verification of original documents.
AISSEE 2022 will be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). A candidate is allowed to
apply for admission to only one Sainik School. For details about the school, kindly visit the
school website concerned.
The responsibility of NTA is limited to inviting online applications for AISSEE 2022, conduct of
the AISSEE 2022, processing and declaration of result and providing the merit list to the SSS.
2.3 DATE OF AISSEE 2022:
AISSEE 2022 will be held on 9
th January 2022 (Sunday).
For admission to Class VI: From 02.00 pm to 04.30 pm
For admission to Class IX: From 02.00 pm to 5.00 pm
The schedule will remain unaltered even if the date of the exam is declared a Public Holiday.
The official website of NTA is
All the exam related information as amended from time-to-time, if any, will be available on this
website only. Candidates must regularly view this website for exam updates.
Candidates are also advised to be in touch with the website of the concerned Sainik School
for admission to which they had applied. List of Website addresses of the schools is available
in Appendix I.
Important links
સૈનિક શાળા બાલાછડીમાં એડમિશન માટે ઓનલાઈન અરજી માટે - CLICK HERE
સૈનિક શાળા બાલાછડીમાં રજિસ્ટ્રેશન માટે - CLICK HERE
સૈનિક શાળા બાલાછડી માટે ની માર્ગ દર્શિકા ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે - CLICK HERE
AISSEE 2022 will be conducted as per the guidelines of the Sainik School Society (SSS).
Merely appearing and passing in AISSEE 2022 does not confer any right to the
candidate for admission to the Sainik Schools.
The selection and admission to Sainik Schools is subject to fulfilling the admission
criteria, eligibility, rank in merit list, medical fitness, verification of original documents
and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the SSS.
Applications of candidates submitting false and fabricated information will be rejected
and such candidates will be further debarred from appearing in examinations
conducted by NTA.
Incomplete application and applications not in accordance with instructions are liable
to be rejected without any further intimation.
The examination fee once deposited will not be refunded. Fee will neither be carried forward to a future examination nor refunded.
Applications once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Candidates must note that mere deduction of fee from the bank account is not a proof of fee payment. The payment should be supported by fee payment and generation of Confirmation Page.
Instructions in the Information Bulletin may change /be updated based on decisions
taken by the NTA and other authorities from time to time. Candidates are advised to
regularly check the website for any further updates or
NTA reserves the right to withdraw permission, granted inadvertently if any, to any
candidate who is not eligible to appear in the AISSEE 2022 even though the Admit
Card had been issued by the NTA.
Candidate’s admission to AISSEE 2022 is purely provisional and is subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria prescribed by the SSS as applicable.
In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the instructions/ terms/ rules/criteria regarding determination of eligibility/conduct of examination/ registration of
candidates/information contained therein, the interpretation of the SSS shall be final
and binding.
Schedule for important examination related activities has been given in the following table.
However, candidates are requested to keep themselves updated about the schedule through
NTA and AISSEE website
Online Submission of Application Form 27.09.2021 to 26.10.2021( Upto
05.00 PM)
Last Date of Successful Transaction of
Fee through Credit/Debit Card/Net-
26.10.2021(Upto 11.50 PM)
Correction of details filled in Application
Form on Website only
28.10.2021 to 02.11.2021
Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA
Will be announced on the NTA
website later.
Date of Examination 9th January 2022(Sunday)
Exam for admission to Duration From To
VI Std 150 minutes 02.00 pm 04.30 pm
IX Std 180 minutes 02.00 pm 05.00 pm
Centre: As indicated on the Admit Card
Display of Attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys: To be announced later
Mode of Examination: Paper pencil on OMR answer sheets for admission to both Class VI
and Class IX.
Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions
Scheme of Examination is as follows:
For VI Std (Based on topics listed in Appendix-II)
Section Topic No. of
Marks for each
correct answer
Total marks
A Mathematics 50 3 150
B Intelligence 25 2 50
C Language 25 2 50
D General Knowledge 25 2 50
Total 125 300
For admission to Class IX: English only
For admission to Class VI:
i. A candidate can choose any of the above languages irrespective of school applied for.
ii. Option of medium of Question Paper should be carefully chosen while filling in the
Application Form. The option once exercised cannot be changed.
iii. Candidates opting for English or Hindi would be provided bilingual Exam Booklet (i.e.
in English and Hindi).
iv. Candidates opting for Regional languages would be provided Exam Booklet in the
language opted by the candidate in their application form and English.
v. In case of any ambiguity in translation/construction of a question in the exam, its
English version (except for the Language section questions) shall be treated as final
and the decision of NTA shall be final in this regard.
Candidates passing in AISSEE 2022 would be eligible for admission, irrespective of the
medium of the examination, subject to meeting other eligibility criteria.
Syllabus is as prescribed by the SSS. Topics covered are in Appendix II and III
Question papers of the earlier exams will be available on the NTA website
List of cities where the AISSEE - 2022 will be conducted is given at Appendix IV.
Candidates domiciled in Telangana will be considered to be part of the Home State of Andhra
Pradesh. So also, candidates domiciled in Ladakh will be considered to be part of the Home
Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
While filling up Online Application Form, candidates should select four Convenient City Codes
from Appendix IV as their choice of centre cities in order of their priority.
NTA will not be responsible for any inconvenience due to incorrect selection of city codes by the candidates.
In case, the number of candidates opting for a city is less than a certain minimum, NTA reserves its right not to allot any centre in that City.
In case, the number of candidates opting for a city as centre with Regional language (other
than English and Hindi) is less than certain minimum, candidates may be allotted Centre in another city irrespective of the city opted by the candidates for appearing in the examination.
Though, every effort will be made to allot a centre in one of the cities selected by the candidate, the NTA reserves its right to allot a centre in a city other than the candidate’s choice.
Allotment of centres will be done by the computer and there will be no human intervention.
Note: All efforts will be made by NTA to consider the comfort and convenience of candidates while allotting centres.
Caution. Candidates/ Parents/ Guardians are cautioned not to fall prey to unscrupulous touts, crooks and fraudsters who may make false, bogus and misleading assurances/ claims while approaching them (using spoofed emails, SMS, fake telephone calls or forged documents or personally in the name of NTA/ Sainik Schools Society)for assistance with admission in exchange of monetary considerations. They are also likely to collect personal data of the
aspiring candidates which may be misused by them in future. Neither NTA nor Sainik Schools Society has authorised any person or agency to offer help for online registration and support
for AISSEE-2022 on their website or to use the name, logo and their website contents. It is hereby made clear that NTA or Sainik Schools Society do not have any agents or touts, liaison, admission offices, representatives or any other office/ school than those mentioned on the official website. In case candidates are approached by any such agent promising undue favour, they should not respond to such offers and should immediately approach the polIce authorities if the situation so warrants. Candidates could get their grievances addressed and ascertain the status of their candidature from the public grievances and nodal officers at NTA.
For admission to Class VI:
A candidate should be between 10 and 12 years as on 31 March 2022 for admission to Class VI, i.e. he/she should have been born between 01 April 2010 and 31 March 2012 (both days inclusive) for admission to the academic year 2022-23.
Admission for Girls is open for Class VI. Age criteria is same as boys. Candidates are advised to check the availability of seats for girls from Appendix VI carefully.
For admission to Class IX:
A candidate should be between 13 and 15 years as on 31 March 2022, for admission to Class IX, i.e. he/ she should have been born between 01 April 2007 and 31 March2009 (both days inclusive) for admission to the academic year 2022-23. Admission to Class IX is not open for girls.
He/ she should have passed Class VIII exam from a recognized school at the time of admission.
A candidate is eligible for admission to the Sainik Schools, if he/ she secures a minimum of 25% marks in each subject of the exam and 40% marks in aggregate of all the subjects of AISSEE 2022. However, admission will be based on relative merit (in AISSEE) of candidate in his/ her category in the school opted by him/ her, medical fitness and verification of requisite documents.However, no minimum marks are prescribed for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category. They will be admitted on the basis of inter-se merit at the Entrance Examination within their respective categories, subject to their meeting the eligibility requirements, medical fitness and verification of requisite documents.
In case an SC/ST/OBC(NCL) category candidate comes in the general merit on his/ her own, he or she would be admitted against general seat and will not be adjusted against the reserved share of SC/ST/OBC(NCL) seats.
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