Name Prarthana or (Prarthana) means Prayer. This name comes under number 29, so Astrology can describe lot information about Prarthana. According to astrology, those who have the power number 29 are like to gain anything through the help their experience.
What is the meaning/definition of Prarthana ?
Is Prarthana male or female and what people use it most often?
The name Prarthana has origin as Assamese, Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Prarthana is a Girl/Female name
Prarthana means: Prayer
Name and meaning/definition of Prarthana
Prarthana is a Girl/Female baby name and origin is Assamese, Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu
Prarthana, Girl/Female means: Prayer
In Assamese, Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, the name Prarthana is most often used as the name of a Girl/Female. And in Assamese, Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, the Girl/Female name Prarthana means Prayer
Prayer destroys frustration and negative emotions by making a person’s thoughts and desires positive.
Praying constantly helps our brain to hold on to clean thoughts and to heal our mental disorders. In fact, prayer makes us humble and invaluable, requiring each person’s nature.
વાર્તા સાંભળવા માટે નંબર +916357390234 સેવ કરી તમારા ફોન ઉપરથી મિસકોલ મારજો એટલે તમને સામેથી એક કોલ આવશે જેનાથી તમે વાર્તા સાંભળી શકશો.
Our website contains a prayer that is useful in school. Which you’ll transfer by pressing the transfer button.
TEACHERS and parents of students of the Glow ell Preparatory School in Port more, St Catherine, met Thursday for the school’s annual prayer breakfast.
The school’s founder and principal Gloria Jack, said teachers and parents meet once a year, in November, to give thanks to Almighty God, through prayers.Our website contains a prayer that is useful in school. Which you’ll transfer by pressing the transfer button.
Prathana Pothi and Dhun Pdf
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School Prathna
02-Om tat Sat shree narayan tu-(Prathna).mp3
03-Vashn vajan to jene kahiye je-(Prathna).mp3
04-Jivan Panth ujanv-(Prathna).mp3
05-Maitri bhav nu Pavitra jaranu-(Prathna).mp3
06-Mangal mandir kholo dayamy-(Prathna).mp3
07-Asatyo maahe thi prabhu param satye tu lai Ja-(Prathna).mp3
08-Lo Iswar Tane Bhajiye-(Prathna).mp3
09-JIvan Anjali thajo maru-(Prathna).mp3
10-Jakho Jakho divo maaro joje re bujay na-(Prathna).mp3
11-Shree Ram Chandra krupalu bhajmay-(Prathna).mp3
12-Vande Mataram-(Prathna).mp3
13-Jan Gan man Adhi-(Prathna).mp3
14-Ya devi Sarv bhuteshu-(Prathna).mp3
15-He ma Sharda He ma sharda-(Prathna).mp3
16-Mandir taaru visv rupalu-(Prathna).mp3
17-rakh sada tav charne-(Prathna).mp3
18-Ame to Nana tara baal Amari Tu leje sambhal-(Prathna).mp3
19-Raghupati Raghav raja ram-(Prathna).mp3
20-Vijay visvti ranga pyara-(Prathna).mp3
21-Vandan kariye shree prabhu charne-(Prathna).mp3
22-O prabhu maaru divy jivan-(Prathna).mp3
23-He prabhu Anand Data Gyan ham ko dijiye-(Prathna).mp3
24-Bhulo Bhale biju badhu Ma baap ne Bhulso Nahi-(Prathna).mp3
25-Ek j de chinGaari-(Prathna).mp3
26-E Malik tere Bande ham-(Prathna).mp3
27-Ek Tuhi bharosa Ek tuhi sahara-(Prathna).mp3
28-Guru Brahm Gruru Vishnu-(Prathna).mp3
29-Ham ko man Ki shakti Dena-(Prathna).mp3
30-Iswar Allah tere Nam sabko Sanmati de bhagvan-(Prathna).mp3
31-Itani Shakti Hame dena data-(Prathna).mp3
32-Jaise Suraj ki Garmi Se jalte huve Man ko mil jaye-(Prathna).mp3
33-Jise suraj ki Garmi se-(Prathna).mp3
34-Prabho E Prarthana Mari-(Prathna).mp3
35-Raghupati Raghav rajaram-(Prathna).mp3
36-Saty Ahinsa chori na karvi-(Prathna).mp3
37-TERI HAI ZAMEEN TERA-(Prathna).mp3
38-Teri Panah me Hame rakhna-(Prathna).mp3
39-Tu Pyar ka Sagar he-(Prathna).mp3
40-Tumhi ho Mata Tumhi ho pita-(Prathna).mp3
41-Vande Mataram-(Prathna).mp3
42-Jay Krishna Kanaiyalalji-(Prathna).mp3
43-Shrikrishnaji Sharanam Mam-(Prathna).mp3
44-Panchdev stavan-(Prathna).mp3
45- O Ishwar-(Prathna).mp3
46-Pita ame tuj Balako-(Prathna).mp3
47-Ame Magi e Ish O Prem Taro-(Prathna).mp3
48-Lagi Shamaliya su Prita-(Prathna).mp3
49-Aho Devna Dev-(Prathna).mp3
50- Dhanya Prabhu-(Prathna).mp3
“We salute and celebrate you, our parents. We celebrate you because you have been chosen by the Almighty God for his heritage because children are the heritage of the Lord. Parenthood is a life-long journey; as long as you’re alive you will be parenting,” said Jack. He has a direct line, a line that never goes busy, and a line that is always working. He is a person who we can always talk with because, regardless of what we may think, He is the Almighty.”
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