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Respect the beginning of the meeting. This was done by the Secretary's statement, in which he asked the members to discuss the issues for the decision to be taken by the state level in the main meeting. With the permission of the Chairman, a presentation was made by the Member Secretary of the Committee, Dr. A. S. Joshi, on the issues suggested by the members of the YASK Force regarding the National Education Policy.

At the end of the adult discussion in the meeting, it was unanimously agreed on the decisions to be taken by the state level regarding the implementation of NEP. The details of the decisions taken by the YASK Force, the implementation of which is the year 2021-22, are given below;

1) According to NEP 2020, this policy covering the age of 3 years to 18 years has changed the existing structure of school education of 10 + 2 and recommended new D + 3 + 3 + 4 educational and curriculum related structures. In this regard, it is suggested to accept the innovative structures suggested by the Task Force Committee. Hence, the decision is taken to implement the following school structure in the state. The school structure proposed in the National Education Policy 2020 will be + 2 + 3 + 4, in which,. b) 5 years Std. 5 to 5 elementary education

a) 5 years of pre-primary and 5 years of basic education in 5 years)

) 2 years Std. 6 to 8 (Higher Primary Education)

d) 4 years Std. 9 to 12 Secondary Education), (Implementation - Education Department)

b) When one year after that (from 5+ years of age of the child) year before standard 1) “Kindergarten Will be known as.

) When the standard will be started from the age of 6+ years of the child.

4) This structure will be implemented from the academic year 2021-22.

e) Admission of children who have completed 3 years to get admission in pre-primary / anganwadi To ensure.

Along with this, Anganwadi system is also available in the ashram schools located in the tribal areas of the state Be erected.

(Implementation - Education Department, Women and Child Development Department, Tribal Development Section)

3) The kindergarten should be designed as part of the primary school on the school premises.

a) In conducting activities for the children of kindergarten through Pragya approach like Std. 1 and 2. Will come.

b) Contract based recruitment will be done by outsourcing by Gujarat Primary Education Council as per the requirement of stuff for kindergarten.

) The teacher appointed in kindergarten should have at least PTC / D.El.Ed. qualification.Should.

(Implementation - Education Department, Women and Child Development Department, Overall Education Office)

4) With regard to the above issue (I) (d), at present in the state, Std. 9-10 Secondary Education and Std. 11-12 Higher Secondary Education - are two parts, instead of four years in a row for Std. 9th to 12th. Implementation - Department of Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education)

5) The State School Standards Authority (SSSA) will work in coordination with the State School Standards Authority (SSSA) GCERT to ensure compliance with the required vocational and quality standards in all pre-primary to higher secondary education institutions in the state, including public, private and aided, as per NEP 2020. Implementation - Education Department)

6) The State Preprimary Regulatory Body is to be constituted for the regulation of pre-primary bodies in the State. Standards for accrediting all types of pre-primary institutions in the state in coordination with | Prepares and implements standards. (Implementation - Women and Child Development Department, Education Department)




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 The existing Anganwadi teachers will be given systematic training to prepare high quality elementary child care and education teachers for pre-primary as well as Anganwadi in the state. 

Accordingly, GCERT provides training and certification in this regard in collaboration with the Department of Women and Child Development and Children's University to prepare a new syllabus considering the syllabus prepared by NCERT for these trainings. Implementation - GCERT, Children's University, Department of Women and Child Development)

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