A resolution has been issued on March 17 by the education department clarifying the higher pay scale of state primary school teachers and head teachers.
This resolution of the Department of Education has paved the way for the demands of 4200 grade penny of the primary school teachers and the higher pay scale of the head teachers.
The resolution issued by the education department clearly states that since the primary education cadre is a cadre of the main education cadre, the primary teachers are entitled to the higher pay scale of the headmaster as the first higher pay scale.
The circular clarifies that the headmaster is considered as an academic cadre and as this cadre is a solitary cadre, there should be no room for compulsory promotion for primary teachers after the headmaster. Is met.
Controversy erupted over the higher pay scales of teachers and head teachers recruited after the primary school year 2020. Which is disposed of by this resolution.
The 2019 state government issued a circular. The pay grade of 4200 was reduced in the circular. The pay grade of 4200 was reduced to 2800.
There was a loss of promotion and financial income in the pay grade. Now with the new grade the teachers will get back according to the old grade.
The primary school teacher gets 2400 grade pay and the head teacher gets 4200 grade pay. However, there was a dispute between the two over meeting higher pay scales. Primary teachers will now be entitled to the higher pay scale of the headmaster as the first, second and third pay scale.
Since the head teacher gets 4200 grade pay, the primary teacher will get the first higher salary standard 4200. Then you will get secondary salary scale 4400 and third salary standard 4600. The head teacher will also get a second pay scale up to 4600. Because, until then, the job time is also over.
Learn more about the 4200 grade penny demand
We all know that if a person is a junior clerk, when he gets a promotion, he can become a senior clerk, head clerk, office superintendent. Generally, all government jobs have promotion provisions. But the chances of promotion in a teacher's job are very low. Most of the teachers start their job as a teacher and even retire as a teacher. (Very few teachers become principals or officers in the education department).
Now if there is no special scope for promotion in the job of a teacher then how to give him the benefit of seniority? Certain provisions have been made for this. After getting a job as a teacher, one gets the benefit of higher pay scale at 9, 20 and 31 years. That is, if a person gets a job as a teacher in the year 2000, his salary will increase in 2009, 2020 and 2031.
We know that a pay commission is appointed every ten years to review the salaries of government employees and pay increments are made on the basis of its recommendations. The recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission came out in 2006. The pay commission had administrative terms like 'pay band and grade pay' (the seventh pay commission implemented since 2016 has 'pay matrix' instead)
Now do it directly on the salary of primary teachers. A person joining a primary school as a teacher initially gets a salary of 5200-20200 pay band and 2400 grade pay. As per the provision, after 9 years, the first higher salary increased from 2400 to 4200 at standard time. After 20 years it was 4400 and after 31 years it was 4600. In short, the salary was increased according to certain rules.
(Salary increase that should have been received in 9 years was given in 14 years as five years of fixed salary was not counted in the service.
Now in the year 2009 the Parliament made provision for RIGHT TO Education (R.T.E.- Right to Education) in the Constitution and after some time it was also implemented in our state. One of the major changes in this was that till now the eighth standard in Gujarat was considered in the secondary section but it was shifted to the primary section. That means schools from 1 to 7 are now 1 to 8. Another change was that the primary school fell into two parts. Standard 1 to 5 is called primary and standard 6 to 8 is called upper primary.
Until 2009, a person with a P.T.C. qualification was appointed as a teacher in primary schools after passing Std. 12. The person with the longest job among the teachers present in the school also worked as a principal besides the teacher. (The school did not get a separate principal).
Now instead of 1 to 7, it has become 1 to 8 and the upper primary department has been separated, so people with big educational qualifications have been recruited to teach higher standards. Graduate + B.Ed The minimum qualification was kept. From 2010 to 2019, thousands of such teachers were recruited in the upper primary department. (Graduate), Post Graduate Thilai Many unemployed youth with degrees like Ph.D. joined as teachers.
Now comes a little twist.R.T.E. According to this, the primary school is divided into two parts. The educational qualifications of both primary and upper primary teachers are also different. According to this, the salaries of 1 to 5 and 6 to 8 teachers are different in Central Government run schools and other states except Gujarat. The teachers shrugged. And the demand for a separate pay scale began almost four years ago.
Instead, teachers working in grades 1 to 8 were initially paid 2400 grade pay, but there was a demand that teachers in grades 6 to 8 have higher educational qualifications, so they should be paid 4200 grade pay instead of 2400 from the first day.
This new issue arose for the government. Some of the leading teachers working in 6th to 8th century started making representations to the government on this issue. Groups were formed on WhatsApp. There was also an attempt to put pressure on the government through MLAs.
Many people's representatives also wrote letters to the education department on the issue. Teachers of upper primary department also started holding meetings on this issue.
The Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union also made representations to the government on this issue in its own way. It would have cost a lot of money if the government had done so, so there was no clear yes or no from the secretariat on this issue.
Suddenly the government turned the tide by playing the enigmatic Master Stroke. There is a position of education supervisor as the superintendent of primary school teachers.
Which conducts inspection work in schools. The starting salary of an education inspector is 4200 grade pay. Some teachers are appointed to this post in promotion. Now R.T.E.
👉 4200 ગ્રેડ પે બાબત નો મહત્વ નો પરિપત્ર - CLICK HERE
4200 GRED PAY પરિપત્ર બાબતે સમજ આપતો વિડિયો જોવા - CLICK HERE
After arrival, the appointment of separate principals in primary schools began. Provision has been made for a person who has 5 years of experience as a teacher to become a principal in a primary school by giving an examination called H-TAT (Head Teacher Aptitude Test).
His starting salary was also 4200 grade pay. Teachers from 6th to 8th side were also sitting here demanding 4200 grade pennies from the first day.
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