Children's stories are very dear to children. I love children's stories. Children's stories are also very popular among the students studying in the school. With the help of the story, the students get a good lesson. Students watch animated stories carefully. Children's stories are a very important medium for students.
Children have a good interest in children's stories. The students in the school love children's stories. Children's stories are a medium through which children can learn a lesson. Many children's stories are written by different authors. Students love such children's stories.

With the help of children's stories, students can develop interest in teaching. Students learn yes with more interest and interest. Children's stories are loved by all students who are interested in reading.
Animated children's stories are an important medium for students who are not interested in reading.Through the story of Dala Talwadi, the story of the rabbit and the tortoise, the story of the Panchatantra, many such stories, the students get a good lesson.
Students can be taught with interest with the help of children's stories. Students remember faster by reading and listening than by reading. It is said that if something is heard it is remembered more than it is read. Anything is remembered even faster than if it is read, heard and seen. Animated stories are remembered just as quickly.
Students watch and listen to animated stories so that the stories are remembered more quickly by the students.The story plays an important role in language subjects like Gujarati subject, Hindi subject, English subject and Sanskrit. Story writing is also asked in the examination of these four languages.
Story writing has 5 to 10 marks. Students who write stories systematically can get higher marks. Students who can do story writing well can get good marks in language subject. Students who are interested in children's stories can now instill good values in themselves with the help of children's stories.
With the help of children's lessons, good values are instilled in the students and the society. With the help of this blog, a collection of various children's stories and animated stories is delivered to children. Yes a collection of stories can be useful to students in a variety of ways.
Students have developed an interest in watching animated children's stories. Their mastery of the language subject is further strengthened.
It is difficult to define a short story precisely. No single formula will cover its immense range and variety. It is, indeed, a far cry from the primitive legends to the subtle touches of Manpassant. It is an adaptable mould, which can be used to express any mood. It can be romantic and sentimental, ironic, astringent or humorous, lyrical or objective. It is this variety that makes it so impossible to define. It is an imaginative narration consisting of a few incidents, drawn from a single situation, and having a unity of effect.
It will be easier, however, to comprehend its real nature by placing it against the novel. A novel cannot be abbreviated into a short story, nor can a short story be expanded into a novel. The novel deals with incidents progressing with cause and effect, inter-relation marching towards an ultimate solution. It is the modern counterpart of the epic. Its object is the grand totality of life. But a short story exposes a situation representing a mood, as if in a flash. Its motive is essentially lyrical.
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Unlike a novel, therefore, it does not admit of a large number of characters, of variety of events or interests. Whereas the novel is expansive, the short story in concentrated, and the more it stays away from the centre, the less does it conform to its type. Its nearest and most allied literary type is the One-Act Play.
With the help of stories students can acquire knowledge of various subjects and social subject. Students are instilled with various rites prevalent in the society.
With the help of these children's stories, students get knowledge about how to behave with elders, never steal, always tell the truth, never insult elders, always respect parents and guru, etc.
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