The examination of the police inspector's examination taken by GPSC on 3 January 2021 is placed here. Paper solutions in ICE also have been put together. Police Inspector Class-2 was announced by the Gujarat Public Service Commission. The Police Inspector Class 2 exam date was taken by the Public Service Commission on January 3, 2021.

Here the police inspector class-2 examination taken by the GPSC has been placed here for the purpose of other students to be useful.
Gujarat Public Commission Lucky Gujarat Public Service Commission has conducted recruitment process for various cadres. The Gujarat Public Service Commission working by the Government of Gujarat has issued an announcement regarding the recruitment process to be carried out on various cadres during the year 2020.
This is a golden opportunity for students who have been preparing for the Gujarat Public Service Commission for a long time or for students who have been preparing for this exam for a long time.Gujarat Service Public Commission i.e. Gujarat Public Service Commission has carried out recruitment process on various cadres in which various advertisements like Deputy Mamlatdar, Section Officer, Deputy Collector have been issued. It has been suggested by the Gujarat Public Service Commission that from the 10th, through Ojas Online, the candidates who have academic qualifications for various posts in the cadre will be able to fill up the online form.
Students who have been preparing for this exam for a long time know how to prepare for this exam. You are aware of how to prepare for Gujarat Public Service Commission i.e. GPSC.The advertisements for Class One and Class Two issued by the Gujarat Public Service Commission will have to be given in three stages.
In the first stage prelim examination has to be given. As per the rules announced from time to time by Gujarat Public Service Commission, after issuing merit list on the basis of merit among the candidates who have passed the examination, the selected candidates are called for the main examination. Out of them G candidates selected on the basis of merit are called for interview i.e. face to face interview.
The merit list of the candidates who have successfully passed from these three stages is made and then the candidates are appointed at the place of their choice.
In the advertisement provided by Gujarat Public Service Commission this year, various categories have been announced.
Under which Gujarat Government and Gujarat Public Service Commission working with Gujarat Government have made available advertisements of many cadres this year.
Today advertisements have been made available in various contexts. Among them, advertisements of various posts of Gujarat Public Administrative Service Class-I and II have also been issued. Candidates who have passed the graduation examination in any discipline for Gujarat Public Administration Service Class 1 and 2 issued by the Gujarat Public Service Commission can register their candidature.Any citizen of India who has graduated from any discipline and is qualified as per the norms given in the cadre advertisement can apply for this advertisement to be issued by the Gujarat Public Service Commission.
Just applying for an advertisement in this category does not qualify you for the position. According to the advertisements of various cadres announced by the Gujarat Public Service Commission, the students or the candidates who have successfully passed the examination held under the seat category have been selected on merit. The examination is conducted in three phases in total and the candidates who successfully pass these three phases are selected.
First of all, prelim examination is organized in accordance with the syllabus issued by Gujarat Public Service Commission under various cadres.
Student Friends Students who have successfully passed the prelim examination and are also selected for merit are called for the main examination.
Students who have successfully passed the prelim examination and also the main examination are called for face to face interview.
The final merit list is prepared under the total marks matched in the main examination and face to face interview. Appointment of students who are included in the final merit list is given to the Gujarat Public Service Commission if it deems fit.
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