Name of the scheme
PM-KISAN scheme means ‘Prime Minister Kisan Sanman Nidhi’.
Main purpose:
The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sanman Nidhi Yojana has been announced by the Government of India as a 100% Central Assistance Scheme to help farming families as part of increasing the income of farmers.
Assistance Standard:
Rs.60000 / - per annum will be available to the farmer family through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). Which will be paid in three equal installments at intervals of four months. The first installment will be from 01/12/2018 to 31/06/2019 . The second installment will then be paid every four months.
Eligibility for assistance
Husband, wife and minor children (under 18 years of age) who have any individual or jointly cultivable land (excluding institutional landholders) and none of them are eligible for assistance. Eligible for assistance.

Details required to apply for assistance:
Farmer's name, village, taluka, Aadhaar number, category, IFSC code and bank account details.
What can a farming family do to benefit?
Account holders who want to avail the benefit of this scheme should apply online on the portal
through a designated service provider in their village.
Apply through a service provider such as Village Computer Entrepreneur (VCE), Milk Society, Co-operative Society, any other government or co-operative body / person.

The applicant has to sign the form with the details and print the attached agreement and submit a copy of the check / passbook and a self-certified copy of the Aadhaar card to the data entry center for the bank account details. Talati will have to collect all the details / documents. If Aadhaar card number is not available as the first installment of the first year of implementation of the scheme, then Aadhaar enrollment number, driving license, election card etc. will have to be given as identity card. But then Aadhar card as well as Aadhar seed bank account details will have to be given compulsorily.

If the person named on the land record from the land holding farming family is not in the village or does not live in the village, then another adult from the farming family can submit a contract on their behalf. For which the person making the declaration will have to mention his name and his relationship with the land holder below the contract.
Applications will be considered eligible for assistance after approval in the Gram Sabha
Standards for land holding:
In order to calculate the land holdings, the land holdings as on 01/02/2019 should be taken into consideration.
This benefit will not be available to any new land holder for the next five years except in case of transfer of ownership from inheritance due to death of the land holder.
Ta. The land holder registered as a land holder in the period from 01/12/2018 to 01/02/20190 will be entitled to benefit from the date of registration of land holding in the land record.
In cases where the right of ownership of cultivable land has been transferred from 01/12/2018 to 1/02/20190 due to reasons including purchase, inheritance, will, gift, from the date of transfer for the first installment of the financial year 2018-19. For the period up to 31/03/20190, the benefit will be eligible in the proportion of four months.
Who doesn't get help:
Under the scheme the farmer family with high economic status outlined below will be disqualified for the benefit.
(A) Institutional landholders
(B) One or more persons from the land holding farmer family who are included in any of the following.
1. A person holding all current and former constitutional positions
. Current and former Minister / Minister of State, current and former Member of Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha / Legislative Assembly, current and former Chairman of District Panchayat
3. Serving and Retired (All) - Regular (Multi-Tasking Staff /) of Central and State Government Ministries / Offices / Departments and its Regional Offices, All Public Enterprises of Central and State Governments, All Autonomous and Affiliated Institutions under Central and State Governments as well as Local Bodies. All officers, employees except class-3 / group-D)
. All age pensioners / retirees out of B-2/3 who earn Rs. 10,000 / - or more (excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class-II / Group-D)
. Taxpaye who have paid income tax in the last assessment year as well as professionals such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, chartered accountants and architects who are registered with professional bodies and have business in practice.
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