Students who are currently studying in Std. 5th current year have been able to appear for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya examination. Old papers from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya have been placed for practice as part of preparation for this exam. A study of this paper is requested.
No papers to study and paper sol. Studying and solving the old paper of Navodaya Vidyalaya by the student will give good practice to the student to write the paper. When this paper is written as part of the preparation for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya entrance exam, they will practice for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya entrance exam. The minds of the students will be strengthened and when the students take the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya exam they will be able to take the exam easily as the old papers of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya have been solv.
In accordance with the National Policy of Education (1986), Government of India started Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs). Presently the JNVs are spread in 27 States and 08 Union Territories. These are co-educational residential schools fully financed and administered by Government of India through an autonomous organization, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.
Admissions in JNVs are made through the JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SELECTION TEST (JNVST) to Class VI. The medium of instruction in JNVs is the mother tongue or regional language up to Class VIII and thereafter English for Mathematics and Science and Hindi for Social Science.
Students of the JNVs appear for board examinations of the Central Board of Secondary Education.While education in the schools is free including board & lodging, uniform and textbooks, a sum of Rs. 600/- per month is collected only from the students of Classes IX to XII towards Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi. However, students belonging to SC/ST categories, all Girl students and the students whose family income is below poverty line (BPL) are exempted.
In respect of wards of Government employees other than exempted category (Students of classes VI to VIII, all SC/ST & Girl students and wards of BPL families)Vikas Nidhi will be charged @Rs.1500/- per month or actual children education allowance received by the parent per month whichever is less. However, VVN shall not be less than Rs.600/- per student per month. Objective of the Scheme

(i) To provide good quality modern education including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education to the talented children predominantly from rural areas.To ensure that students attain a reasonable level of competency in three languages.
(iii) To promote national integration through migration of students from Hindi to Non-Hindi speaking State and vice-versa.
(iv) To serve in each district as focal point for improvement in quality of school education in general through sharing of experiences and facilities.
1.1 State-wise Distribution of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas According to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme, one Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is to be set up in each District in a phased manner. At present, 661 Vidyalayas are sanctioned in 27 States and 08 Union Territories, out of which 645 are functioning. The State-wise distribution of JNVs sanctioned is as
Andhra Pradesh
2.1 Procedure to register online for JNV Selection Test 2021
(i) The process for submission of application for JNV Selection Test has been simplified through online process. Registration can be done free of cost through the admission portal of NVS linked through Verification of proofs for residence, age, eligibility etc. will be done for selected candidates through the laid down procedure after the declaration of results.
(ii) The eligible candidates have to fill up the online form and upload the certificate with the photograph along with signatures of both candidate and his/her parent/guardian. The attachments should be uploaded in jpg format of the size between10-100 kb only.
(iii) In case of candidates from NIOS, candidates should obtain `B’ certificate and residence should be in the same district where he/she is seeking admission.
(iv) Online platform is in open source and free of cost. Application may be submitted from any source like desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet etc.
(v) In all JNVs a help desk will be available to assist the candidates/parents to upload application free of cost. Parents may also approach the help desk in JNV along with candidate and required documents such as certificate with photograph along with signature of both candidate and his/her parent/guardian and a mobile phone with valid mobile number for receiving the registration number and password through SMS for registration process.
2.2 Issue of Admit Cards
The admit cards will be made available as per date decided by NVS in due course which will be displayed on application portal. The admit cards shall be downloaded free of cost by the candidates/parents before the conduct of JNVST.
2.3 Result of the Selection Test
The result of JNV Selection Test 2021 is expected to be announced by June 2021. Candidates can get the result from the admission portal. The result will also be displayed in the offices of the concerned:
i. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
ii. District Education Officer
iii. District Magistrate
iv. Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti of the Region.
v. The website of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya concerned, will also inform the selected candidates through SMS on the registered mobile number followed by a speed post.
3.1) Selection in the test will not vest any right on the candidate to secure admission into the JNV. At the time of seeking actual admission, each selected candidate will have to produce all relevant certificates, as prescribed by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
. Until admission, the selection is provisional only. Candidates are advised to apply for TC from parent school only after the verification of documents and confirmation of admission by the respective JNV.
3.2) In case of any dispute, the decision of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti shall be final and binding on the candidates. To 3.3) Marks obtained by candidates (both selected and not selected) in the test are not communicated.
3.4) There is no provision for re-evaluation of the answer scripts or retotalling of marks, since the result is processed through computer and sufficient care is taken to ensure accuracy through various checks while processing the result.
3.5) It may also be noted by the candidates and their parents/guardians that under the scheme of NVS, students of a JNV located in Hindi speaking State may have to be migrated to another JNV in Non-Hindi Speaking State and vice-versa for one academic year when the students are promoted to Class IX. In case of refusal by the students/ parents selected for migration, continuation of such students in JNV will not be allowed.
3.6) The candidates and their parents/guardians may note that the children selected on the basis of the Test will be admitted only in the JNV located in the district from where they are studying in class V and appearing for the JNVST. Under no circumstances, the selected candidate will be given admission to any other JNV. No request for shifting of students on account of medium of instruction in the JNV concerned, shifting of parents/guardians to other districts / States etc. will be entertained.
3.7) Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class (OBC) will have to produce a certificate of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC at the time of seeking admission, if selected. The students selected under OBC quota have to submit OBC certificate as per prescribed format of Central List (Copy Annexed). Such certificate should be obtained from the competent authority before 30th
March of the year of seeking admission so that it may be submitted to the Principal of JNV concerned at the time of verification of document. For example, candidates seeking admission during 2021-22 should get the certificate on or before 30th March 2021.
3.8) Candidates applying for admission under Rural Category will have to produce a certificate to the effect that the school(s) where candidates
studied classes III,IV and V is located in Rural Area.
3.9) Candidates belonging to the Divyang category (Orthopedically
Handicapped, Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped), if selected ,
will have to produce a medical certificate signed by Chief Medical Officer of the District concerned at the time of admission in appropriate format.
3.10) Candidates belonging to transgender category will have to submit a certificate from the competent authority prescribed by the concerned State Govt. with regard to their gender. No reservation is made for this category.
4.1 Only the candidates from the district concerned where the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has been opened are eligible to apply for admission.
However, if the district where JNV is opened is bifurcated at a later date, the old boundaries of the district are considered for the purpose of eligibility for admission into JNVST, in case a new Vidyalaya is not started in the newly bifurcated district as yet.
4.2 A candidate seeking admission must not have been born before 01-05-2008 and after 30-04-2012 (Both dates are inclusive). This will apply to candidates of all categories, including those who belong to the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class (OBC). In case of doubtful cases of overage in comparison to the age recorded in the certificate, they may be referred to the Medical Board for confirmation of the age. The decision of the medical board will be treated as final.
4.3 A candidate appearing for the selection test must be studying in Class-V for the whole of the academic session 2020-21 in a Government/Government aided or other recognized schools or ‘B’ certificate competency course of National Institute of Open Schooling in the same district where he/she is seeking admission. A school will be deemed recognized if it is declared so by the Government or by any other agency authorized on behalf of Government. Schools where students have obtained ‘B’ certificate under National Institute of Open Schooling should have accreditation of NIOS. A candidate must successfully complete Class-V in the session 2020-21. Actualadmission in Class-VI for the session 2021-22 will be subject to the mentioned condition.
4.4 A Candidate claiming admission under rural quota must have studied and passed classes III, IV and V from a Govt. / Govt. aided / recognized school spending one full academic session each year in a school located in rural area.
4.5 Candidates passing ‘B’ certificate competency course of National Institute of Open Schooling on or before 30th September 2020 are also eligible to write admission test provided they are in the prescribed age group. The rural status of a child from National Institute of Open Schooling will be decided on the basis of a certificate to be issued by Tehsildar/District Magistrate of the District indicating that the child has been residing in rural areas for the last three years. Students studying under the above scheme and residing in urban and notified areas are not eligible for obtaining seat in rural quota.
4.6A Candidate who has not been promoted and admitted to Class-V before 15th September, 2020 is not eligible to apply.
4.7 No candidate is eligible to appear in the selection test for the second time, under any circumstances.
A) At least 75% of the seats in a district will be filled by candidates selected from rural areas of the district and remaining seats will be filled from the Urban areas of the district.
B) A candidate seeking admission under the rural quota must have studied in Classes-III, IV and V completing full academic session from the Government/ Government Aided/Government recognized schools located in rural areas. However, the candidate should study full academic session in Class-V from the same district where admission is sought.
C) Candidates studying under the schemes of National Institute of Open Schooling should produce their rural status certificate issued byDistrictMagistrate/Tehsildar/BlockDevelopment Officer.
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