This means that citizens and NGOs should have justifiably free access to files and documents related to government functions, decisions and their execution. In other words, there should be openness and transparency in government activities.

This is the opposite of privacy in public administration. This statement of Paras Kuhad is true- “Which of these should be adopted as a paradigm of transparency-administration through privacy or right to information as a component of executive privilege. Both argue the public interest. Which of these is really in the public interest and can these be coordinated? ” In 1992, the World Bank issued a document titled 'Administration and Development'. It mentioned seven aspects or elements of administration. One of which was transparency and information.
Right to information is required for the following reasons:
1. It makes administration more responsive to public.
2. It reduces the distance between the administration and the public.
3. It makes the public aware of administrative decision making.
4. It helps public servants to better reach products and services to the public.
5. It eases intelligent and positive criticism of administration.
6. It increases public participation in administration.
7. Encourages public interest by discouraging arbitrariness in administrative decision-making.
8. It reduces the chances of corruption in public administration.
9. It advances the ideology of democracy by promoting openness and transparency in administration.
10. This makes the administration more sensitive to the needs of the public.
11. It reduces the chances of misuse of power by public servants.
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The importance of Right to Information has been clarified by these statements by eminent administrative thinkers and actors:
i. Woodrow Wilson:
I believe on my part that there should be no place where everything can be done about which everyone knows nothing. ” Everyone knows that corruption happens in secret places and neglects public places.
ii. James Madison:
"Those who want to become their rulers should equip themselves with the power that imparts knowledge." Any popular government is a hypocrisy or a tragedy or perhaps both, without information or means to obtain it. "
iii. Lord Acton:
"Nothing that cannot afford discussion and publicity."
iv. Max Weber:
because of the fundamental nature of assured power." And "the bureaucracy will naturally welcome a parliament that is less informed and inefficient and at least ignorant enough to agree with the bureaucratic interests."
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