કમરની ગાદી ખસી ગઈ હોય, દુઃખાવો થતો હોય, હાથ પગનો દુઃખાવો થતો હોય તો અવશ્ય અજમાવી જુવો આ ઉપાય, મળશે તરત જ રાહત
If the cushion of the waist has moved, if you are feeling pain, if you are feeling pain in your hands and feet, then you must try this remedy, you will get immediate relief...
Apart from this, sitting for a long time, working during the day, working all day, lifting heavy objects etc. cause pain during the day.

In such a situation, if it is not treated on time, then the problem can become even more serious. But today we are going to tell you about some such home remedies, using which
If you do not want to do the above-mentioned remedies, then you can make tea from Jatamansi root and consume it. To do this, first boil the powder of its root in water and drink its tea three to four times a day. By doing this you will get results soon.
You must be aware that cow urine can cure any kind of disease. For this, first of all, taking castor oil mixed with cow urine provides relief. Apart from this, applying it in the form of ginger powder mixed with castor oil can also get rid of it.
Fenugreek seeds are also effective in curing many diseases, in the same way you can get relief from pain by using them. For this, make a paste of fenugreek seeds and apply it on the affected area.
With this, if you apply this fenugreek seed paste on the affected area and the mother keeps a cloth on it for some time, then you can get relief soon.
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