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Scholarship Amount and Placement Rules: After the examination, the students who come to Merit in the district-wise fixed quota of Rs.  1ooo / Land to Rs.  12000 '.  Scholarships are available to eligible students for four years.

 The amount of scholarship will be paid to eligible students as per IIRD guidelines by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India, MH, RD), New Delhi,  Scholarship amount M!  Beneficiary students will be directly credited to the bank account by IRD through National Scholarship IPortal.  Eligibility of students: Students studying in Government Primary Schools, Local Body Schools, District Panchayat Municipalities / Municipal Schools) and Granted Primary Schools in Std. 8 in the current academic year will be able to appear for S.A51.s examination.

General Category and Prof. B.C.  Category students should have obtained at least 55% marks or equivalent grade in Std-9, Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) students should have obtained at least 50% marks or equivalent grade in Std-8.  • Annual income of parents of students of all categories is Rs.  Only those who are not more than 150,000 / - will be able to give Vidya examination

Private Schools / Self Finance Schools), Kendriya Vidyalayas, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and residential schools run by state government institutions which provide accommodation and study facilities will not be able to fill up the application form in this examination.  A. Income Limit As decided for NMMS examination, the annual income of the candidate's guardian should not be more than Rs.1,50,000. 

 A certified copy of the guardian's annual income sample must be attached with the student's application form.  Must the example of an official authorized by the government be attached?

  Examination Fee: General Category and OBC.  -.  Ph.Sc.  And S.T.  Exam fee for category students will be Rs.50 / -.  .  Service charge will have to be paid separately. 

  Fee Acceptance Center:  Fee printing fee can be paid after filling the application form in Gujarat's Posturized Post Office as Fee Acceptance Center, two parts of the printed currency in three parts will be refunded by the Post Office.  The receiver issued by the post office to the payer of the fee by the post office will have to check whether the fee has been paid from the confirmation number or not.  

Online Payment Gateway will be able to pay the examination fee from "Ans: Alp / NT BANKIN. To submit the fee online, click on" Rint Application / Challi "and fill in the details.  Then click on “Dollhar T.yw1Pwt”.  Then in the given options, select the appropriate option from the option "Net liltings of fer" or other Travuneit lawle and fill in the next details.

Then you will be written on the screen that the father's fee has been credited and the e-recei will be deleted.  If there is any defect, your fee has not been paid on  The online fee payer will have to contact the State Examination Board immediately by e-mail if the fee is not e-re within 2 hours after deducting the fee from his bank account. 

 order of study: • 20 questions of NAT Intellectual Aptitude Test will be of literal and non-verbal logical calculation.  PLER (Analogy) in these questions.  qalsze (Classification), nivells del (Numerical Series).  Det (Pattern Perception] etc.  Qualifying Marks: General and OBC category students will have to get a total of 90% marks in both the sections and both SCC and ST category students will have to get a total of 90% marks in both the sections.  Out of the total qualifying marks obtained in the department, out of the students who get qualifying marks, only the students who come in merit as per the quota fixed by district-category will be eligible for the scholarship.

રાજ્ય પરિક્ષા બોર્ડના અલગ અલગ પરિણામ એટલે કે વ્યક્તિગત આપનું પરિણામ  જોવા માટે - CLICK HERE

👉વ્યક્તિગત આપનું પરિણામ જોવા માટે આપનો કન્ફર્મેશન નંબર અને જન્મ તારીખ નાખી ને પરિણામ આપ જોઈ શકશો..

NMMS પરીક્ષાનું રીઝલ્ટ જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો


NMMSનું PDF પરિણામરિણામાં જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Blind students will be given an extra 20 minutes IN Nmms exam 2022

 In the context of this advertisement, the online application will be accepted by the State Examination Board, from 19/11/20 (12:00 pm) to 19/12/2020 (9,8 hours at night).  Till) Application form can be filled at www.sebexam.org.  The following step have be followed to apply NMMS EXAM 2020.

The application will be considered valid only after paying the fee after confirming the application form. 

First go to www.sebexam.org.  Click on “Apply online” on site for “National means cum merit Scholarship Scheme” 


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