Model Day Schools for the academic year 2022-23
Matters regarding admission of students in Model School and Model Day Schools for the academic year 2022-23
Following are the guidelines for admission in Model School for Model School and Model Day Schools for the academic year for the next academic year. As the entrance examination in the model school is not possible as per the RTE Act, the students will have to prepare the merit list on the basis of their previous standard marks and give admission. (Merit list should be prepared on the basis of Std-08 mark sheet for admission in Std-8, Merit list should be made on the basis of Std-08 mark sheet for admission in Std-08. Enrollment of children who have obtained more than marks should be done in Model School and Model Day Schools. Model Day School will not have to admit more than 50 students per class (Std. 09 to 08) and 40 students per class (Std. 09 to 12). 3. In educationally backward talukas where Model School and Model The first admission should be given to the students of the same taluka as the day schools. Students will have to be admitted as per the reservation of the district fixed by the government and in this regard the existing rules of the social welfare department will have to be followed.

If the number of students for the reserved space is not sufficient then the students of other categories will have to be admitted from the merit list. 7. The accreditation of the school from which the students come for admission should be obtained from the office of the Director of Primary Education if it is a primary school and if it is a secondary higher secondary school then it should be obtained as per the provision specified by the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. 8. According to the merit list, the parents of the eligible students should be informed by letter and telephone and they should be asked to give a letter of guarantee within the time limit. If he does not get admission within the stipulated time limit (does not give guarantee letter) then admission will be considered as cancellation. The process of admitting students from the waiting list has to be done against those who do not get admission within the stipulated time. The said admission process has to be done only under the notice of the committee which will have the following members Members. Sr. Designation 1 District Education Officer Chairman 2 District Primary Education Officer Member 2 Taluka Primary Education Officer Member 2 BRC Coordinator Member ૫ Principal of Model School and Model Day Schools Member Secretary શિક્ષ Model School and Teacher Member of Model Day Schools The process of admission in Model School and Model Day Schools should be carried out by that Model School as per the date mentioned below. Sr. Details Date 1 To start distribution of application forms
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