The government is going to tweak government employees. The government has decided to close the two-year-old Covid-19 relief scheme for employees in March. The Employees State Insurance Corporation implemented the scheme for two years from March 24, 2020. It will complete two years in March 2022.
The Board of Directors of the Employees State Insurance Corporation recently met. Sources close to ESIC said that at the meeting, Labor Minister Bhupendra Yadav said that Corona’s condition was now under control. So there is no need to increase the covid relief scheme as per the present situation. At the meeting, the Labor Minister said that ESIC hospitals would continue to check the health of the workers and the Factories-MSME cluster would be considered as a unit.
મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક
ફિક્સ પગાર, મોંઘવારી, જૂની પેન્શન યોજના, સાતમા પગાર પંચ મુજબ ભથ્થા વગેરે પ્રશ્નો બાબતે ટ્વીટર અભિયાન ચાલુ કરવા માટે લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો .
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મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક
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The scheme was launched for registered employees coming under the purview of ESIC when Kovid-19 took on a monstrous form in the country. Financial assistance is provided to the family of any employee who dies due to Kovid-19. Under which the family is given a minimum amount of Rs. 1800 per month. The benefit of this scheme is given to the employees who have registered online 3 months ago and have also made a minimum contribution of 35 days. Without assistance to the dying family, 70 per cent of the average daily wage during treatment for coronary heart disease is given as benefit of the disease. Illness benefits for a maximum of 91 days in a year.
So many people deserve financial help
Under the ESIC rule, a spouse, a recognized or adopted son under the age of 25 or an unmarried legal or adopted daughter and a widowed mother are eligible for financial assistance. About 90% of the daily average salary of a deceased employee is paid to his family. This 90 percent is called the flower rate. Relief is shared if there is more than one dependent.
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