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Makar Sankranti Ke Upay

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Makar Sankranti Ke Upay

 Makar Sankranti Ke Upay: On the day of Makar Sankranti, many things are done like bathing, charity, virtue, fasting, sun worship, kite flying etc.  Here according to astrology, such works are being told, which can solve your money related problems.  Come let's know 14 simple solutions.

 1. Worship and worship of Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi is of great importance on this day.  Due to this the grace of Goddess Lakshmi remains.

 2. By making laddus of black sesame and jaggery, where happiness and prosperity comes in the house, while donating it one gets the blessings of both Sun and Saturn.

 Donation of black sesame laddus, salt, jaggery, black sesame, fruits, khichdi and green vegetables on the day of Sankranti is considered very inauspicious.  Donation of sesame, jaggery or Revdi is done on this day.  By donating to the poor or the needy on this day, the virtue becomes a thousand fold.  On this day, by donating woolen clothes, blankets, dishes made of sesame and jaggery and khichdi, the blessings of Surya Narayan and Shani are obtained.  In order to increase your happiness and good fortune, on the day of Makar Sankranti, any one of the fourteen number of things should be donated to the married women.

 4. On the day of Makar Sankranti, it is also believed to take a handful of black sesame seeds and throw them 7 times on the heads of all the family members in the north direction of the house, due to which there is a reduction in the sudden loss of money and wealth remains in the house.  .

 5. On the morning of Sankranti, take 14 clean cowries in the auspicious time.  Give them a bath with saffron mixed milk and wash them with Ganges water and keep them in a clean plate.  Light two lamps in front of Mahalakshmi, one of pure ghee and the other of sesame oil. 

 Keep the lamp of sesame oil on the left side and the lamp of ghee on the right side.  Prove it by reciting the mantra of 'Kaudiyan Om Sankrantyay Namah' 14 times.  Afterwards, at exactly 12 o'clock, pick up the shells and keep them separately at the place of Shuddha and Barkat.  Such as purse, cupboard, shrine, kitchen, under the bed, on the working table, in the store house etc.  After that the position of the lamp has to be changed, that is, keep the one which was on the right side before and keep the one which was on the left side on the right side.  If the flame is getting dim, then light it again.  Put a lamp of sesame oil on the threshold in the evening and Tulsi of ghee on the square.  With this, happiness, prosperity, wealth, grains, Lakshmi grace remain in the house.

 Makar Sankranti 2022

 6. On this day especially cows are fed green fodder.  It is said that by this the Moon and Venus defects are removed and after solving the problem of money, prosperity remains.

 7. In North India, Khichdi is offered on this day and the offerings of jaggery-sesame, revdi, gajak are also distributed.  With this, happiness, prosperity, wealth, grains, Lakshmi grace remain in the house.

 8. On this day the sun turns north.  From this day onwards the days gradually get longer and the nights shorter.  It is important to offer Arghya to the Sun and worship him on this day.  This removes all kinds of troubles and increases wealth and prosperity.

 9. It is believed that on this day Surya left his son Shani Dev's displeasure and went to his house, so by taking a bath in the holy river on this day, the virtue becomes thousand times.  Worshiping Shani removes Shani Dosh and solves money related problems.

 10. Donating ghee is auspicious.  Donating ghee on this day brings honor, fame and material facilities.

 11. Feeding birds with grains on the day of Makar Sankranti is considered auspicious.  This brings benefits in wealth, prosperity and prosperity.

 12. It is auspicious to float jaggery and raw rice in flowing water on Makar Sankranti.

 13. On the day of Sankranti, offer water to the Sun by filling a copper vessel with water, adding kumkum, akshat, sesame and red flowers in it.  While offering water, chant the mantra 'Om Ghrini Suryay Namah'.  By doing this your wish will be fulfilled.

 14. Offer water containing water for the peace of ancestors on this day.  While giving water to ancestors, use sesame seeds in it, it brings health, happiness and prosperity to the family.

 Makar Sankranti 2022: The festival of Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on 14 January.  Makar Sankranti will also be celebrated on 15 January in some parts of the country.  The Sun God is worshiped on this day. 

 By the grace of Surya Dev, the house will be filled with wealth and prosperity and fame and fame will also increase.  On this day, after bathing and donating, you do only one work, then you will get happiness, wealth and progress in life.  For this, you should put a copper statue of Sun God in the house.  However, some things have to be kept in mind to install this sun statue.  Let us know about it.

 Installation and rules of Sun idol on Makar Sankranti

 1. If you want progress in business or job, then place a copper statue of Sun God at that place.  This will lead to promotion in job or business.

 2. Place the idol of Sun God at that place in the house, where all the family members gather together at least once a day.  By doing this their health will be good.  Such is the religious belief.

 3. Your financial condition is not good.  If there is a decrease in income, then you should put a copper statue of Sun in the north direction in your house.  You can also put it near your safe.

 4. If you want success in education competition or studies, then you should put the idol of Sun God in the children's room in the Brahma Muhurta.  This gives success in focusing the mind.

 Sun God is the king of all the planets.  Makar Sankranti is the day of his worship.  The one who is blessed by the Sun God, like Shani Dev, his house also gets filled with money and grains.  Whose Sun is strong, he gets fame, fame, position, prestige in the society.  These people do very well in politics and get high positions.

 Aries: Try to avoid risky work on Makar Sankranti.  Wear red colored clothes on this day and donate mosquito nets, sesame seeds.

 Taurus: Avoid over enthusiasm on Makar Sankranti.  Wear white clothes on Sankranti and donate woolen clothes, sesame seeds to the needy.

 Gemini: Your problems may increase on Makar Sankranti, be patient.  Wear white clothes and donate black sesame seeds and mosquito nets.

 Cancer: There will be a pleasant atmosphere in the family on Makar Sankranti.  Do think carefully while giving any money.  Wear saffron colored clothes.  Donate sesame, sago and wool.

 Leo: You should maintain contentment on this festival.  Be careful while doing new things.  Wear yellow clothes on Sankranti.  Donate sesame, blanket, mosquito net according to your ability.

 Virgo: Do ​​not argue with any member of the family.  Try to take the pressure off.  Wear blue clothes on Sankranti.  Donate sesame, blanket, oil, urad dal as per capacity.

 Libra: Be careful on Makar Sankranti.  Don't believe the words of an unknown person.  Wear white clothes on Sankranti.  Donate oil, cotton, clothes, mustard seeds and mosquito nets.

 Scorpio Horoscope: There will be profit in business.  Take help from relatives thoughtfully.  Wear red clothes on Sankranti.  Donate blankets, woolen clothes to any needy.

 Sagittarius: Maintain concentration while worshiping.  The work that you wanted to do for many days can be completed.  Wear yellow or saffron clothes on Sankranti.  Donate sesame, gram dal.

 Capricorn: Do not do any kind of wrongdoing.  You can get good news.  Wear blue or sky colored clothes on Sankranti.  Donate oil, sesame, blanket, book.

 Aquarius: Don't trust strangers.  Try to avoid risky activities.  Wear blue or black clothes on Sankranti.  Donate sesame seeds, soap, clothes, comb, food grains.

 Pisces: Use words wisely when talking to new people.  Yellow or pink clothes should be worn on Sankranti.  Donate sesame, gram, sago, blanket, mosquito net.

 मेष राशि: मकर संक्रांति पर जोखिम भरे काम टालने का प्रयास करें। इस दिन लाल रंग के कपड़े पहनें और मच्छरदानी, तिल का दान करें।

वृषभ राशि: मकर संक्रांति पर अति उत्साह से बचें। संक्रांति पर सफेद कपड़े पहनें और जरूरतमंदों को ऊनी वस्त्र, तिल का दान करना चाहिए।

मिथुन राशि: मकर संक्रांति पर आपकी परेशानियां बढ़ सकती हैं, धैर्य बनाए रखें। सफेद वस्त्र पहनें और काले तिल व मच्छरदानी का दान करें।

कर्क राशि: मकर संक्राति पर परिवार में सुखद वातावरण रहेगा। किसी धन देते समय सोच-विचार जरूर करें। केसरिया रंग के कपड़े धारण करें। तिल, साबूदाने और ऊन का दान करें।

सिंह राशि: इस पर्व पर आपको संतोष बनाए रखना चाहिए। नए काम करते सतर्क रहें। संक्रांति पर आप पीले वस्त्रों का धारण करें। तिल, कंबल, मच्छरदानी अपनी सक्षमतानुसार दान करें।

कन्या राशि: परिवार में किसी सदस्य से वाद-विवाद न करें। दबाव खत्म करने की कोशिश करें। संक्रांति पर नीले कपड़े पहनें। क्षमता अनुसार तिल, कंबल, तेल, उड़द दाल का दान करें।

तुला राशि: मकर संक्रांति पर सावधान रहें। किसी अनजान की बातों पर विश्वास न करें। संक्रांति पर सफेद कपड़े पहनें। तेल, रुई, वस्त्र, राई व मच्छरदानी दान करें।

वृश्चिक राशि: व्यापार-व्यवसाय में लाभ होगा। रिश्तेदारों से मदद सोच-समझकर लें। संक्रांति पर लाल वस्त्र धारण करें। कंबल, ऊनी वस्त्र किसी जरुरतमंद को दान करें।

धनु राशि: पूजा-पाठ करते समय एकाग्रता बनाए रखें। कई दिनों से जो काम करना चाहते थे, वह पूरा हो सकता है। संक्रांति पर पीले या केशरी वस्त्र धारण करें। तिल, चने की दाल का दान करें।

मकर राशि: किसी भी तरह का गलत काम न करें। शुभ समाचार मिल सकते हैं। संक्रांति पर नीले या आसमानी कलर के वस्त्र धारण करें। तेल, तिल, कंबल, पुस्तक का दान करें।

कुंभ राशि: अनजानों पर विश्वास न करें। जोखिम वाले काम टालने का प्रयास करें। संक्रांति पर नीले या काले वस्त्र धारण करें। तिल, साबुन, वस्त्र, कंघी, अन्न का दान करें।

मीन राशि: नए लोगों से बात करते समय शब्दों का इस्तेमाल सोच-समझकर करें। संक्रांति पर पीले या गुलाबी वस्त्र धारण करना चाहिए। तिल, चना, साबूदाना, कंबल, मच्छरदानी दान करें।

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