Doing documents, information and photographs at the school level according to the grant allocation of the program "Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat".
Regarding the above subject, to state that in PAB - 2021-22, under "Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat" head 79.0.83, for students of Std. 6 to 8 of government school, Rs. 50 / - per article! 2.5 lakh has been sanctioned.
claims have been paid.
કોરોના ગુજરાત LIVE:
રાજ્યના 10 શહેરમાં હવે રાતના10થી વાગ્યા સુધી 6 રાત્રિ કર્ફ્યૂ, ધોરણ 1 થી 9ની સ્કૂલો 31 જાન્યુઆરી સુધી બંધ
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The "One India Best India" program is being held across the country. The noble purpose of which is to make the children know and understand about different things like cultural, literary, geographical, historical, social etc.
of different states of the country and to cultivate respect for each other's culture. The state of Gujarat is connected with the state of Chhattisgarh under the "One India Best India" program. This program must be implemented as indicated in the accompanying guidelines. Grants for the implementation of the program have been allocated at the district level by the office here.
The allocation will have to be made to the schools and the expenditure will be as per the rules as stated in the grant allocation letter. Date: 3/201 Subject: "Matter of allocating grant for" Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat "program
One India Best India Guide "One India Best India" program is being held across the country. The noble purpose of which is to make the children know and understand about different things like cultural, literary, geographical, historical, social etc. of different states of the country and to cultivate respect for each other's culture.
The state of Gujarat is connected with the state of Chhattisgarh under the "One India Best India" program. 1. II. III. IV. V. VI. At the school level, essay competition, discussion, project work / activity work on partner state, cultural competition - folklore, art, drawing, etc., as well as incentive prizes for participating and winning students can be spent from the allotted grant. Solidarity Pledge, culture, customs, dress, agriculture, projects and video conferencing on climate.
To spread awareness among the students about the best practices of water conservation. For the implementation of this program, essay competition, discussion, project work on partner state, cultural competition - folklore, art, drawing etc. Prepare an information booklet to provide students with important facts about the partner state and other important and interesting information.
Including the diverse aspects of Gujarat and Chhattisgarh. Designing a project book covering various activities for students under "One India Best India". Knows many things like geographical, cultural, linguistic affairs, language / dialect, dress, customs, essay competition, drawing competition, project work on partner state, cultural program, costumes, folklore, different places, crops, rivers, mountains, cities.
So that the students are aware of the affairs of both the states. To coordinate with the diet of the state through DIET, to organize VC with the school, to have a dialogue / discussion with the students of the opposite school, to demonstrate the activity to the students attached to VC. Creating a portfolio of various activities and writings by students under "One India Best India". Organizing activities keeping in view the safety and security of students during Covid-19. Carrying out the activities of "One India, Best India" following the guidelines of the Government.
A grant of Rs.50 / - has been allotted per student, out of which the student will have to spend for the above mentioned things like prizes, incentives / certificates, activity material, equipment, construction of information booklet, portfolio. Necessary planning and expenditure will have to be done in this regard by the teacher friends of Std. 6 to 8. Maintain documents, information and photographs at school level as required.
Matter of allocating grant for Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat program
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