At Gandhinagar, said that tele-bridge programs will be broadcast by Television DD Girner and You Tube, all students of standard 1 to 10 are included. Apart from this, the Baisag will also be broadcasted by the GCERT and secondary education board on the Gujarat Channel. How is this Home Learning Program Along with this, the textbooks are currently on the homebook home and the arrangement of these books or educational materials will also be able to reach the timely students who reach the timely students.
The QR code can be seen by the QR code Audio visual content is the specialty of this textbook To ensure the program of home learning will contact the phone and students with the phone and will guide students to remove the difficulties. The management will be organized by the organization's government school teachers, even if the state's government school is also organized.
Mass promotion has been given by Gujarat government to the students studying in Gujarat state schools. The decision has been taken by the government in the interest of the health of the students in view of the serious situation of Corona in the state.
The Gujarat government has decided not to allow students to take exams so that their health is not endangered. Mass promotion for students in such situation is given by the government. However, keeping in view the education of the students, the NEET EXAM is conducted by the Government and the Education Department of the Government of Gujarat through the YOU TUBE channel so that the students can start their education.
Students preparing for NEET EXAM will get proper guidance through this youtube channel of Gujarat Government and Education Department. Here is the purpose of giving proper guidance to the students who are preparing for the Knit exam who can prepare the students for the exam with the help of video.
Given the current state of the Corona epidemic, the government's decision to reopen the school is currently being postponed. The Government has withdrawn its decision by Shri. The importance of home learning in such a situation is greatly increased when schools no longer have to open considering the current situation in Corona.
Given the current situation in Corona, the importance of home learning is proving to be very important for every student at a time when primary schools, high schools and secondary and higher secondary schools as well as colleges are closed.
Considering the current situation of Corona, students from Std. 1 to Std. 12 are being imparted online education through DD Girnar and through Diksha Portal. It is planned by the government that all students can take education sitting at home.
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Given the current situation, the government is making efforts so that students can study at their best. While the teachers of primary and secondary schools are also thinking that the students should get the best education, the government is making efforts to provide the best education to the students through the Gyan Setu program. Students studying in government and secondary primary schools as well as those studying in government secondary schools can study well in the next standard and efforts are being made by the government to make good progress in their education.
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