Every day videos of home learning are uploaded on DD Girnar for all students studying in Std. 1 to 12. All the students of Std. 1 to 12 are being imparted education through DD Girnar.
Educational videos are also being regularly uploaded on v youtube and diksha portal so that all students can get education through home learning.

In the current situation, the students are making efforts to get education at home through the efforts of the government and the education department.
Students are being imparted education using various mediums like street education, youtube dd Girnar Diksha portal so that all students can get education at home.
An effort has been launched by the government to provide education to the students through YouTube and DD Girnar so that the students can continue their education at home.
In order to provide education to all the students, the government has started online education for the students again keeping in view the current year's syllabus. In order to provide education through the medium of students, useful home learning videos of Std. 9 to 12 are given to the students here.
All these videos will be very useful for the students to complete their studies in the near future.
This program of Home Learning started by the Department of Education so that all the students studying in the state can study all their subjects easily will prove to be very useful for all the students for their studies.
Efforts are also being made to enable students who do not have access to television or mobile phones to study on their own at home with the help of school primary teachers as well as SMC.
The home learning program has been started by the government for a long time. The home learning program has been started by the government for the purpose that students can continue their studies at home when they cannot go to school.
This home learning program is run by the government to ensure that students do not stop learning. Students cannot go to school in this situation of Corona. In these circumstances students deprived of education cannot be run.
Students are educated through various mediums so that they can continue their studies. This education is imparted to the students through DD Girnar, youtube channel, initiation application and QR code through E class. Under Home Learning, students who cannot go to school can get education at home.
Students can also become part of the government's Home LEARNIG program with the help of live E-classes offered daily on YouTube.
At Gandhinagar, said that tele-bridge programs will be broadcast by Television DD Girner and You Tube, all students of standard 1 to 10 are included. Apart from this, the Baisag will also be broadcast by the GCERT and secondary education board on the Gujarat Channel.
How is this home learning program? The Home Learning Program? Throughout the Home Learning Program, students who do not have TV or mobile facilities for standard 1 Along with this, the textbooks are currently on the homebook home and the arrangement of these books or educational materials will also be able to reach the timely students who reach the timely students. The QR code can be seen by the QR code Audio visual content is the specialty of this textbook To ensure the program of home learning will contact the phone and students with the phone and will guide students to remove the difficulties.
The management will be organized by the organization's government school teachers, even if the state's government school is also organized.
Students who cannot go to school or college are getting education through home learning. Students who are getting education through home learning are getting education through various mediums. The government has issued a new schedule of DD Girnar every month.
DD Girnar Live TV Home Learning Program Videos
August-2021 Videos
➮ 02-08-2021, GUJARATI : VIDEO
➮ 03-08-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
➮ 04-08-2021, MATHS : VIDEO
➮ 05-08-2021, GUJARATI : VIDEO
➮ 06-08-2021, PARYAVARAN : VIDEO
➮ 09-08-2021, GUJARATI : VIDEO
➮ 10-08-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
➮ 11-08-2021, GANIT : VIDEO
➮ 12-08-2021, ENGLISH : VIDEO
➮ 13-08-2021, EVS : VIDEO
➮ 17-08-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
➮ 18-08-2021, GANIT : VIDEO
➮ 19-08-2021, EVS : VIDEO
➮ 23-08-2021, GUJARATI : VIDEO
➮ 24-08-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
➮ 25-08-2021, GANIT : VIDEO
➮ 26-08-2021, ENGLISH : VIDEO
➮ 27-08-2021, EVS : VIDEO
➮ 31-08-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
July-2021 Videos
➮ 22-07-2021, GUJARATI : VIDEO
➮ 23-07-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
➮ 24-07-2021, JS : VIDEO
➮ 26-07-2021, MATHS : VIDEO
➮ 27-07-2021, ENGLISH : VIDEO
➮ 28-07-2021, PARYAVARAN : VIDEO
➮ 29-07-2021, GUJARATI : VIDEO
➮ 30-07-2021, HINDI : VIDEO
➮ 31-07-2021, JS : VIDEO
April - 2021
01.04.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
02.04.2021 | GOOD FRIDAY | --- |
03.04.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
04.04.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
05.04.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
06.04.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
07.04.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
08.04.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
09.04.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
10.04.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
11.04.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
12.04.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
13.04.2021 | CHETI CHAND | --- |
14.04.2021 | AMBEDKAR JYANTI | --- |
15.04.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
16.04.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
17.04.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
18.04.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
19.04.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
20.04.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
21.04.2021 | RAM NAVMI | --- |
22.04.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
23.04.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
24.04.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
25.04.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
26.04.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
27.04.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
28.04.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
29.04.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
30.04.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
31.04.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
March - 2021
01.03.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
02.03.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
03.03.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
04.03.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
05.03.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
06.03.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
07.03.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
08.03.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
09.03.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
10.03.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
12.03.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
13.03.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
14.03.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
15.03.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
16.03.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
17.03.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
18.03.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
19.03.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
20.03.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
21.03.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
22.03.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
23.03.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
24.03.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
25.03.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
26.03.2021 | EVS | VIDEO |
27.03.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
28.08.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
29.03.2021 | HOLI | --- |
30.03.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
31.03.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
February - 2021
01.02.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
02.02.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
03.02.2021 | MATHS | VIDEO |
04.02.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
05.02.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
06.02.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
07.02.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
08.02.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
09.02.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
10.02.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
11.02.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
12.02.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
13.02.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
14.02.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
15.02.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
16.02.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
17.02.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
18.02.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
19.02.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
20.02.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
21.02.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
22.02.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
23.02.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
24.02.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
25.02.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
26.02.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
27.02.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
January - 2021
01.01.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
02.01.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
03.01.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
04.01.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
05.01.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
06.01.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
07.01.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
08.01.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
09.01.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
10.01.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
11.01.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
12.01.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
13.01.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
14.01.2021 | Uttarayan | --- |
15.01.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
16.01.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
17.01.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
18.01.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
19.01.2021 | HINDI | VIDEO |
20.01.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
21.01.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
22.01.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
23.01.2021 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
24.01.2021 | SUNDAY | --- |
25.01.2021 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
27.01.2021 | GANIT | VIDEO |
28.01.2021 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
29.01.2021 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
30.01.2021 | JS | VIDEO |
December - 2020
01.12.2020 | HINDI | VIDEO |
02.12.2020 | GANIT | VIDEO |
03.12.2020 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
04.12.2020 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
05.12.2020 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
06.12.2020 | SUNDAY | --- |
07.12.2020 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
08.12.2020 | HINDI | VIDEO |
09.12.2020 | GANIT | VIDEO |
10.12.2020 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
11.12.2020 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
12.12.2020 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
13.12.2020 | SUNDAY | --- |
14.12.2020 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
15.12.2020 | HINDI | VIDEO |
16.12.2020 | GANIT | VIDEO |
17.12.2020 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
18.12.2020 | PARYAVARAN | VIDEO |
19.12.2020 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
20.12.2020 | SUNDAY | --- |
21.12.2020 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
22.12.2020 | HINDI | VIDEO |
23.12.2020 | GANIT | VIDEO |
24.12.2020 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
25.12.2020 | GANIT | VIDEO |
26.12.2020 | JOYFUL SATURDAY | VIDEO |
27.12.2020 | SUNDAY | --- |
28.12.2020 | GUJARATI | VIDEO |
29.12.2020 | HINDI | VIDEO |
30.12.2020 | GANIT | VIDEO |
31.12.2020 | ENGLISH | VIDEO |
In this schedule, the schedule of educational programs broadcast by the government is broadcast. Students who do not have mobile or any other facility can get education through DD Girnar.
Such students can watch the programs aired on DD Girnar as per its schedule. Students who do not have television available can watch educational programs on mobile through youtube.
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