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Given the current state of the Corona epidemic, the government's decision to reopen the school is currently being postponed.  The Government has withdrawn its decision by Shri.  In such a situation the importance of marriage increases a lot when schools no longer have to open considering the current situation of Corona. 

 Given the current situation in Corona, the importance of home learning is proving to be very important for every student at a time when primary schools, high schools and secondary and higher secondary schools as well as colleges are closed.  Considering the current situation of Corona, students from Std. 1 to Std. 12 are being imparted online education through DD Girnar and through Diksha Portal.  It is planned by the government that all students can take education at home.

This is an important decision taken by the Government of Gujarat for the education of students.  The app has been launched by the government so that students can get education easily.  This Gyan Setu video program has been created with the joint efforts of the government and the education department so that the students can stay at home and study in this difficult situation. 

 Arrangements have been made so that students can easily acquire knowledge of all subjects.

The students of the school are currently taking education through various mediums.  During home learning, teachers are teaching students through Microsoft team, DD Girnar and YouTube.  The government has asked the school teachers to start home learning system as schools cannot be reopened in the near future due to cores.  

Arrangements have been made for the school teachers to use various mediums so that the students can sit at home and take education.  The Home Study Book has been provided by the government to check the various education taken by the students of the school through home learning.  

Students can learn how much they have accomplished in the various topics learned through home learning in the Home Learning Book.  In this situation of the current Corona epidemic, students are staying at home and taking education through various means.  

As per the guidelines given by the government, in the present situation, since the students cannot be called to the school, arrangements have been made for the students to study at home.  Home learning has been arranged so that students can get education at home without coming to school.  

Students cannot stop their education because they cannot come to school.  In order to continue the education of the students, arrangements have been made to impart education to the students using various mediums. 

 Students can get education with the help of QR code in DD Girnar, Diksha application and also through YouTube.  Students who do not have any arrangement for getting education at home are asked to make arrangements for education at other place in the village where television facility is available.

With the joint efforts of the State Government and the Education Department of the Government, a sincere effort is being made to provide education to the students using various mediums so that all the students can get online education.  

Primary School Teachers Secondary School Teachers Efforts are being made to ensure that students get the best education through various means.  Students are being taught through education and using various mediums.  Students are also being imparted education through street education so that the students studying in the school can continue their education.

Examinations are held after the end of the semester for students studying in primary school.  Students have learned various subjects during the year with the help of teachers.  

August - 2021

02.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
03.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
04.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
12.08.2021 MATHS VIDEO
13.08.2021 MATHS VIDEO
14.08.2021 MATHS VIDEO
17.08.2021 MATHS VIDEO
18.08.2021 MATHS VIDEO
24.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
25.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
26.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
27.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
28.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
31.08.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO

July - 2021

29.07.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
30.07.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
31.07.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO

April - 2021

08.04.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
09.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO
16.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO
17.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO
19.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO
20.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO
22.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO
23.04.2021 MATHS VIDEO

March - 2020

08.03.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
09.03.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
10.03.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
25.03.2021 MATHS VIDEO
26.03.2021 MATHS VIDEO
27.03.2021 MATHS VIDEO
30.03.2021 MATHS VIDEO

February - 2020

03.02.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
04.02.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
05.02.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
06.02.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
08.02.2021 MATHS VIDEO
09.02.2021 MATHS VIDEO
10.02.2021 MATHS VIDEO
11.02.2021 MATHS VIDEO
12.02.2021 MATHS VIDEO
22.02.2021 ENGLISH VIDEO
23.02.2021 ENGLISH VIDEO

January - 2020

01.01.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
02.01.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
04.01.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
05.01.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
06.01.2021 SCIENCE VIDEO
13.01.2021 MATHS VIDEO
15.01.2021 MATHS VIDEO
16.01.2021 MATHS VIDEO
18.01.2021 MATHS VIDEO

December - 2020

01.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
02.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
03.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
04.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
05.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
17.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
18.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO
19.12.2020 SCIENCE VIDEO

The verification obtained during the student year is done through examination.  Students get knowledge of various subjects like Gujarati Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science etc. from the teachers during the year.  Examinations are conducted to test the abilities that the students have achieved during this period. 

 Examinations in various subjects are organized to test the ability of the students during the year.  Various subjects are also planned for the examination of social sciences during this examination.  Students studying in Std. 3 to 8 are given knowledge of geography subject to make them aware of the different geographical conditions of their area, region and country.

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