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The purpose of the plan

To provide financial assistance on the basis of merit and merit (Merit cum Means) for higher education to bright and needy students seeking admission in higher education courses of the state.

Eligibility standards

Rs. Children of parents with an annual income of up to 600000 / -.

Students who get 90% or more percentile in Std-12 Science stream, general stream examination for graduate level courses.

Students who get 80th or more percentile in Std-10 examination for diploma level courses.

Benefits / Assistance of the scheme

Tuition fee assistance

50% of the tuition fee or Rs.

50% of the annual tuition fee fixed for graduate level professions or Rs. 25000 / - whichever is less.

Graduation Course 50% of the fixed annual tuition fee or Rs. Whichever is less.

50% of the prescribed annual tuition fee or Rs. 25000 / - for diploma self-reliant courses of a government recognized institute, whichever is more.

The number of students who get admission in the general seats in government medical, dental, engineering colleges and the number of students in the general category due to which they have to migrate and finally if they do not get admission in any government college and they have to get admission in self-reliant colleges. Eligible students under such scheme are eligible for the amount of tuition fee difference between the self-reliant college and government college admitted.

Tool-book help

Rs.10,000 / - for first year resource-book assistance to students enrolled in medical / dental undergraduate courses, Rs. -Rs. 3000 is receivable. Tool-book assistance is only available once during the course period.


The student has to apply online on the web portal (http://mysy.guj.nic.in) prepared by NIC

OFFICIAL WEBSITE   http://mysy.guj.nic.in

👉IMPORTANT LINKS : visit Official website and apply online please click below link 




After applying online, one has to go to the nearest help center out of the total 91 help centers in the state with the required documents.

Implementing office / agency / organization

KCG has been appointed as the nodal agency for this scheme.

As per the syllabus, the following offices of the Commissioner / Director have been authorized for final verification and approval of the application.

Commissioner for Technical Education Course, Office of Technical Education

Commissioner for Higher Education Courses, Office of Higher Education

Mr. for Health and Dental and Paramedical Courses, Mr. Office of Health, Medical Services and Medical Education

Director, Agriculture Office for courses related to agriculture;

Director for Veterinary Courses, Office of Animal Husbandry;

For other courses apart from this, verification and approval of applications will have to be done by the offices of the concerned Director / Commissioner.

Special dates ::

First form of electronic registration (new student) 19-10-2020

 Start the application with registration online registration (2 / 3rd / 4th semester students) 12-10-2020

 Last date for submission of application for air use is 31-12-2020.

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