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Maa Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Hospital List, Package List, Benefits, And All Other Details.

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The Government of Gujarat launched Mukhyamantri Amrutum ‘MA’ Yojana on 4th September, 2012. The beneficiary under the scheme are those who belong to Below Poverty Line (BPL) family and whose information is included in the district BPL list prepared by the State government rural development department and urban development department. All beneficiaries can avail cashless quality medical and surgical treatment which cover 2,150 defined packages . The Sum assured is up to Rs. 5,00,000/- per family per annum.

Based on success of “MA” Yojana and feedback from various stakeholders, on 15th August 2014, the “MA” was extended to “Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya” Yojana which includes" the following beneficiaries:

Families are having an annual income up to Rs.5.00 lakh

All urban & rural ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activist)

Accredited Reporters

Fix pay employees of class-3 & 4 appointed by state government

U-win Card holders

Senior citizens of those families with annual income up to Rs. 6 lakh

The Central Government has a long-term plan to provide medical assistance to the economically backward or middle class people.  Which is known in Gujarat as Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana i.e. MA Yojana.  The plan is to get an MA Card but many people have been deprived of this due to lack of information.  So if you also want to get this card, you can check online whether you are eligible for this card or not.


Government of Gujarat has started Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana where indoor treatment to BPL Card holders of Gujarat is provided free of cost where annual coverage up to Rs. 5 lacs for family is considered after showing MA card, as per rural, urban development criteria decided by Government of Gujarat.

Note: After discharge: transportation (Rs. 300/- Patient) and free drugs (10 Days) are given.

For more details on the scheme refer to Gujarat Government Website at: 

Government Scheme MA Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Benefits.

MAA Amrutam Card Benefits

MAA Amrutam Card Documentation

CM Amrutam Yojana Features

MAA Card Online Application

List of Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana Hospital

List of MAA card hospitals

MAA card helpline number

Required documents ...

Aadhar card

Residential proof

BPL card

Identify the evidence

Proof of income

The surgeries covered in this plan

Cardiovascular Surgery (Total. 153 Benefit Packages)

Neurosurgery (49 benefit packages in total)

Burns (12 benefit packages in total)

Poly Trauma (not covered by motor vehicle insurance) (8 benefit packages in total)

Cancer (Malignancies) Surgical Oncology, Chemotherapy and Radiation On Oncology (Total 210 Benefit Packages)

Renal (Total 21 benefit packages)

Neonatal Diseases (Total 23 Benefit Packages)

Mukhmantri Amrutam Yojana BPL Families are given E.M. The panel provides quality medical and surgical care for hospitalized, surgical and therapeutic ailments through the network.

M.A.A. Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Package List.

Burns and plastic surgery


Cardio thoracic surgery

Cardiovascular surgery

Genitourinary Surgery (Renal)

Neurosurgery Neurology

Interventional neuroradiology

Pediatric surgery


Medical Oncology

Radiation Oncology

Surgical Oncology

Knee and hip replacement

Organ transplant packages

Tor Torino laryngology

Obsterics and Gynecology


General medicine

Mental Disorder Packages

Emergency room packages

Pediatric Medical Management

Newborn packages


What is Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana (MA Yojana)?

The Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana is a health insurance scheme launched by the Government of Gujarat on 4th September 2012. It was initially launched only to cater to people who fall under the lowest income groups of the state i.e. Below Poverty Line (BPL). However, later iterations of MA Yojana extended benefits to lower-middle-class families as well. This is a holistic health insurance scheme that pays for the entire cycle of a medical contingency, from diagnostic tests to post-hospitalization care. The Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya is truly a boon for those in need.




Features and Benefits of Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana:

Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya is a prime example of a health scheme that is created truly for the benefit of the people. Here are the features of the plan:

The beneficiary of the scheme does not have to pay any amount for enrolment or as insurance premium. This is a 100% state-funded scheme.

ASHA workers that help BPL families to register under the scheme are given Rs. 100/- per family as an incentive. 

Mega and General Health Camps are conducted on district levels with the help of both – private and government-empanelled hospitals on a monthly basis.

Dedicated data centres and servers are used to store and manage data with the help of an IT agency called (n)Code Solutions.

Fully paperless processes like claims and other services.

Intrnational Society for Quality in Healthcare accredited services that pay 10% more than the package rates to hospitals.

Empanelment of both – private and public/trust/Grant-In-Aid hospitals to encourage healthy competition.

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