Check New Bank Account number of Dena Bank and Vijya Bank
Dena Bank, Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank and Vijya bank are Merged in Bank Of Baroda. So all Members get new Account numbers of Bank of Baroda.
As and when your Branch is migrated to the upgraded Core Banking System of Bank of Baroda, you will be allocated a new account number and customer ID, which will be communicated to you.well in advance along with the date of proposed migration/ upgrade. To facilitate this, please updateyour mobile number/ email address/ postal address in your existing branch.

Transactions up to the date of upgrade can be recorded in your existing passbook .You may also collect your new passbook from the branch anytime at your convenience post migration. You may obtain the account statements pertaining to the prior periods from the branch at your convenience.
Internet Banking will be available on User ID and password will remain the same, however for security reasons, we advise you to change the password post login.
Download the “M-connect Plus” mobile app for mobile banking from Google Playstore / apple store.
UPI -Download and register BHIM BARODA PAY UPI app from Playstore / apple store, using your
new account details. If you are using any other UPI App, please link your new account number &set New UPI PIN in that app.
If you are a Central Government pensioner, the Bank takes responsibility to update your new
Then Write your old Bank IFSC Code or Old Bank MICR code.
Then Write Captcha Code shown on the Website.
Now Click on Submit.

Account Details with your Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA).However, you may also inform your PSA of the change in account details to ensure the pension is credited as per the process, without How can Get New Account number of Bank of Baroda Here is the steps of getting new account number of Bank of Baroda. Dena bank, Vijaya Bank and Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank are merged in Bank of Baroda now.
Steps of Find new Account number
1st Click on Below Link and Open it.
This will allow you to create a new account number by following the steps shown above. With the merger of the old bank with Bank of Baroda, each account holder will be given a new account number, a new passbook, a new check book. How to check a new account number can be learned by processing as shown above.
All subsequent transactions will have to be done with the new account number and new IFSC code. The old number cannot be transacted. That is why the new account number can be seen from the above process. Some banks that have not yet created a new account number will have to wait until a new account number is created.
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