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ISRO Ahmedabad Recruitment 2020

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(The site will remain open from 09.30 hours on 09/11/2020 to 17.00 hours on 23/11/2020 for registering the application online.)

Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad is one of the lead Centre of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Department of Space (DOS). SAC focuses on design of space borne instruments for terrestrial and planetary missions of ISRO and development and operationalization of space technology for national development.

UNDER THE APPRENTICE ACT 1961, Applications are invited for selection to the positions of GRADUATE AND TECHNICIAN APPRENTICES from candidates who have DEGREE / DIPLOMA from a recognized University/Board coming under Western Region of Board of Apprenticeship Training (MAHARASHTRA, GUJARAT, GOA, CHHATTISGARH, MADHYA PRADESH, DADRA NAGAR HAVELI, DIU & DAMAN (UTS).

GeneralConditions / Instructions:

1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible for 



 35 years as on 23/11/2020 (relaxation of 03 years in case of OBC and 05 years in case of SC, ST candidates. Age relaxation for PWD candidates is as per Govt. Rules.)


(i) Graduate Apprentice: Rs. 9000/- per month

(ii)Technician Apprentice: Rs. 8000/- per month

4. The period of training will be one year and apprentices engaged will be registered under Apprentice Act, 1961. 

5. Those who have undergone/are undergoing Apprenticeship training or have job experience for a period of one year or more as on the date of joining as Apprentice are not eligible to be considered for the above Apprenticeship training.

6. The percentage of marks in qualifying exam (Diploma/Degree) declared by the recognized University/Board/Institute will be considered in order to short list candidates.

7. Sandwich course, private degree/diploma, short term courses, degree/diploma in other disciplines/areas, candidates pursuing higher studies (B.E./B.Tech. in case of Diploma holders & M.E/M.Tech. in case of Graduates) etc. need not apply. 

8. In case of Graduate & Technician Apprentices, candidates who have completed three years after acquiring the prescribed qualification are not eligible for apprenticeship Training. Candidates who have passed Degree/Diploma in relevant field in/after November 2017 are only eligible to apply. Those who passed Degree/Diploma in November 2017 will be eligible for apprenticeship till November 2020 as per the provisions of Apprentices Act 1961 and they will not be offered the training position after November 2020, even if they are selected / waitlisted.

9. The apprentices will have no claim whatsoever for employment in Space Applications Centre or any other units of Indian Space Research Organization / Department of Space after completion of the training period. 

 10.No interim correspondence will be entertained.

11. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. 

12. Empanelment / short listing of candidates will be on the basis of information furnished in the on-line application. If any discrepancy in name, age, Diploma/Degree percentage & year of passing, caste/tribe etc. is found regarding the data in on-line application at any stage, it will be considered as disqualification of the candidature and the candidate will have no claim for Apprenticeship training.

13. Only short listed / empaneled candidates will be called for documents verification and further process subject to availability of vacant positions for Apprenticeship. Candidates will have to produce all the relevant documents in original (date of birth proof, mark sheets, testimonials & certificates of all educational qualification, caste/tribe/disability certificate in prescribed format (if applicable) as and when asked for, failing which the candidate will be considered disqualified for Apprenticeship training.

14. Intimation to short listed / empaneled candidates for further process will be sent through E-mail. For this purpose, candidates are required to furnish their E-mail ID correctly and compulsorily while submitting the application..If the candidate does not meet the prescribed criteria of fitness at the time of joining, his/her candidature will automatically be cancelled and he/she would have no claim for Apprenticeship training.


 Application should be registered on-line only. Read General Conditions/Instructions for filling the online application carefully.

 Follow instructions carefully while filling application.




o You would require valid e-mail ID to register. You can register only once using this e- mail ID. 

o Enter correct data in the relevant columns as required. The data received in the online application will be considered as final. No change will be allowed once the application is submitted. If any discrepancy is found regarding the data in online application at any stage, it will be considered as disqualification of the candidate.

o The application form is divided in 3 parts:

a. Personal details 

b. Education

c. Other information

o Field marked with * is a mandatory field and requires to be filled.

o In the 3rd Part ‘Other Information’, you are required to fill the characters shown in the image as a security for application. In case the image displayed is not clear, remove the temporary internet files of the browser and click the ‘Regenerate Image’ button. A new image will be generated and you can proceed further by entering the characters of the image.

NOTE: Application can be submitted only once. Hence clicking the ‘SUBMIT’ button is a critical step, as no corrections will be possible subsequently. So you should ensure once again that the information is correct before submitting. Upon registration / submitting application, applicants will be provided with a 14 digits Online Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference as this will be used for all future correspondence.  After registration, take print-out of the application summary. For printing ensure that the computer is connected to a printer with A4 size paper and header and footer are removed from page setup. In case printer is not available, you can save the form and print it at your convenience. Please note that site will not be open for printing after 17:00 hours of 23/11/2020.

 Retain printed copy with you and bring that copy whenever you called for documents verification: 

It is mandatory to produce hard copy of on-line application summary along with self-attested copies of following documents at the time of documents verification:

o date of birth proof, SSC (10th ) / HSC ( 12th) mark sheets & Certificate Mark card/Degree certificate of qualifying exam (Degree/Diploma) showing percentage of marks in Degree/Diploma declared by the recognized Board/University/Institution, caste / tribe certificate / disability certificate (if applicable).  Caste or Tribe Certificate / Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Certificate for all reserved categories should be submitted in the prescribed format as given below:

 Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe

Other Backward Classes

 Persons with Benchmark Disabilities

IMPORTANT DATES: Opening date for 

Online Registration : 09/11/2020 (09:30 hours)


Closing date for Online Registration : 23/11/2020 (17:00 hours)


FOR GENERAL INQUIRY 079-26913021 / 22


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