Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), the largest commercial enterprise in India and a Fortune “GlIndian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), the largest commercial enterprise in India and a Fortune “Global 500” Company, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, proposes to engage Apprentices in Technical and Non-Technical trades at its locations under its 5 Regions viz Western Region Pipelines (WRPL), Northern Region Pipelines (NRPL), Eastern Region Pipelines (ERPL), Southern Region Pipelines (SRPL), South Eastern Region Pipelines (SERPL).Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals meeting the following qualification & other parameters for engagement of around 482 Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (as amended from time to time) in the trades as mentioned below.The indicative list of locations where these apprentices shall be engaged is enclosed at

Annexure –A.
(b) The number of seats mentioned above are tentative which may change. The candidates should apply under a Region, for a particular State, for a trade through Online Portal

https://plis.indianoilpipelines.in which shall open from 04.11.2020 till 22.11.2020 1800 hrs.
(c) The trades mentioned above are also suitable for Persons with Benchmark disabilities (PwBD) as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, with minimum 40% disability as detailed below:
(i) For Technician Apprentice (Mechanical/Electrical & T&I):
(a) Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims
(b) Multiple disabilities from amongst above (i) (a)
(ii) For Trade Apprentice (Accountant):
(a) Hard of Hearing
(b) Musculoskeletal (One Leg, Both Legs), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims
(c) Multiple disabilities from amongst (ii) (a) & (b)
(iii) For Trade Apprentice (Assistant-Human Resource):
(a) Low Vision
(b) Hard of Hearing
(c) Musculoskeletal (One Arm, One Leg, Both Legs, One Arm & One Leg), Leprosy Cured,
Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims
(d)Multiple disabilities from amongst (iii) (a), (b) & (c).
(iv) For Data Entry Operator and For Domestic Data Entry Operator
(a) Hard of Hearing
(b) Musculoskeletal (One Leg, Both Legs), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims
(c) Multiple disabilities from amongst (iv) (a) & (b)
Sl Trade/Discipline Qualifica
1. The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognized University/Institute as a full time, regular course in relevaLnt disciplines with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (45% marks in aggregate in case of SC/ST and PwBD category candidates for the trades reserved for them).
2. Candidates having professional/higher qualification such as Degree in Engineering/MBA & its equivalent/PGDM/MCA/LLB/CA/ICWA/Masters in Social Work/Degree in Journalism etc. and any other Graduate and above professional qualification, shall not be eligible to apply for the above apprentice seats.
3. “Fresher apprentice” means a non-graduate apprentice, who has not undergone any institutional training or skill training, before taking up on-the-job training or practical training under the Apprentices Act, 1961.
Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 30.10.2020 which is the date for reckoning any eligibility criteria.
• Technician Apprentice(Elec/Mech/T&I) : One Year
• Trade Apprentices (Assistant HR/Accountant): One Year
• Data Entry Operator and Domestic Data Entry Operator : 15 months
Rate of stipend payable to apprentices per month shall be as prescribed under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 / Apprentices RUles1992 (as amended) and Corporation’s guidelines.
1) Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates for the tradesreserved for them.
2) Upper age is relxed by 10 years to PwBD candidates in the specified disabilities only as mentioned above (up to 15 years for SC/ST and up to 13 years for OBC Non-Creamy Layer PwBD Candidates).
3) The percentage of marks required in respective trade is 50% in aggregate which is relaxed by 5% to SC/ST and PwBD candidates i.e. 45%, for the trades reserved for them.
4) SC/ST/PwBD candidates appearing for written test will be reimbursed single second class railway fare from the nearest railway station of the mailing address to the place of test and back by the shortest route on production of ticket and proof of relevant certificate (caste/disability certificate) provided the distance is not less than 30 KMs. The reimbursement will be made through e-banking mode only and hence the candidate needs to inform the bank account number along with the IFSC code of the concerned branch at the time of filling of online application.
5) Minimum qualifying marks in Written Test is 40%. The same is relaxed by 5% to SC/ST and PwBD candidates i.e. 35%, for the tradesreserved for them.
1) Selection process would consist of a Written Test.
2) Written Test shall be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) consisting of 4 options with one correct option. Candidate has to choose the correct option.
3) There shall be 100 questions in the Written Test and Total marks shall be 100. Each correct answer shall carry 1 mark.
4) There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers.
5) The constitution of the Question paper will be as below -:
a) For Technician Apprentices - From the total 100 objective type questions, about 75 questions shall be from the concerned discipline of Diploma level and about 25 questions on General Aptitude and Reasoning, General English, Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge etc.
b) For Trade Apprentice (Accountant)- out of total 100 objective type questions, about 75 questions shall be from general accounts/commerce/finance and about 25 questions on General Aptitude and Reasoning, General English, Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge etc.
Trade Apprentice (Assistant-Human Resource)- all 100 objective type questions shall be on General Aptitude and Reasoning, General English, Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge/awareness etc.
d) For Data Entry Operator& Domestic Data Entry Operator -all 100 objective type questions shall be on General Aptitude and Reasoning, General English, Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge/awareness etc. of Class 12 level.
6) Duration of Written Test shall be of 120 minutes i.e. two hours.
7) Candidates can opt for the Question Paper/Test either in English or Hindi language.
8) Minimum qualifying marks in Written Test is 40%. The same is relaxed by 5% to SC/ST and PwBD candidates for the trades reserved for them.
9) Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the written test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for final selection, as the same is related to number of positions, relative performance in respective categories.
10) Final selection for engagement of apprentices will be based on Written Test marks as per merit.
Trade-wise & State-wise merit list for each Region shall be prepared based on Written Test marks
scored by the candidates, which shall be arranged in descending order. Candidates, in the order of merit will be offered the apprenticeship.
11) In case of tie for final shortlisting for engagement, the candidate older in age will be given preference in the merit list.
12) (a) In case of non-availability of sufficient number of candidates to fill the unfilled seats in a notified trade in a State, the vacant seats shall be offered in the following manner from the same State:-
(A)To fill the reserved unfilled seats:-
(i) To the candidates of other reserved categories in that trade in that State in order of OBC ->SC >ST. For example, OBC unfilled seat shall be offered first to SC of the same trade and in the event of non-availbility of SC candidate, it shall be offered to ST. In case of 2 OBC unfilled seats, one shall be offered first to SC and then next to ST in the same trade.
(ii) In case reserved category candidates are not available in that trade in that State by exchange as above, then the seats shall be filled by reserved category candidates of other trades in Alphabetic order of trade i.e. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical in that State.
(iii)In case reserved category candidates are not available in other trades also in that State, then the seats lying unfilled shall be filled by persons of unreserved category in that trade in that State.
(iv)In case unreserved candidates of the same trade are also not available in the State, then the seats shall be filled by unreserved category candidates of other trades in Alphabetic order of trades i.e. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical in that State.
(B) To fill the Un-reserved unfilled seats:-
(i) In case of non-availability of sufficient number of candidates to fill the Un-reserved unfilled seats of a particular trade in the State, the vacant seats shall be offered to reserved category candidate of the same trade in the same State from their merit list in order of OBC ->SC->ST i.e in case two UR seats of a trade are to be offered, one shall be offered first to OBC and then next to SC in the same trade. 12(b) Even if the seats still remained unfilled by adopting the above methodology mentioned at 12 (B)
(i) above in the Region, the vacant seats shall be offered in the following manner:-
(i) Common merit lists at Regional level one each for, Technician Apprentice, Trade Apprentice (HR/Finance), Data Entry Operator & Domestic Data entry Operatoor, across the States, within the
Region, shall be prepared of those candidates who are below in the merit list and who have not been issued offer letter and unfilled seats of Region shall be offered as per the position of the candidate in the common merit list irrespective of trade/reservation.
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