Online Applications are invited from 10/11/2020(13:00 hours) to 01/12/2020(13:00 hours) for the following 257 posts of Deputy Section Officer and Deputy Mamlatdar, class-3. The reservation for S.E.B.C., E.W.S., S.C., S. T. & Women candidates is as under. In case of non - availability of Women candidates, in the respective category, the post so reserved will be allotted to male candidates belonging to the same category.

Note: Tentative date of Screening (Primary) Test: 18/04/2021Tentative month of Screening (Primary) Test Result: June-2021T
Tentativedate of mains written examination: 08/08/2021 & 22/08/2021
Tentative month ofmains written examination Result: November-2021 Out of the above mentioned 08 posts reserved for physically disabled candidates, 02 posts are reserved for B / PB Candidates, 03 postsare reserved for HH Candidates and 03 posts are reserved for Mobility Impairments Candidates.Candidate having disability described as per above Annexure can apply. The candidates possessing other t
han the prescribed physical disability are not eligible to apply.

Note : The candidates belonging to reserved category can apply against vacancies for Unreserved category
and the criteria will be applicable as per Unreserved Category.

Education Qualification : (i) A candidate shall hold a Bachelor’s degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government; and
(ii) Basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules 1967;
(iii) Possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati and / or Hindi.
(iv) A candidate who has appeared or intends to appear or awaiting the result of the final semester/year of the required qualification can apply, but the candidate has to qualify and submit the required qualification as advertised before the last date of submitting the application for mains examination. Also, the candidate must have completed 20 years of age on the last date of online application.

Pay Scale: Rs.38,090/- (Fix Pay) for 5 years. Rs.39,900-1,26,600 /- Paymatrix level No.7 -Rs.39,900-1,26,600 (According to 7th Pay Commission) after completion of the satisfactory service of 5 years.

Upper age limit shall be relaxed as under:
1. General Category Women Candidates 05 years (subject to maximum 45 years )
General Category Women Candidates 05 years (subject to maximum 45 years )
2. Male Candidates of E.W.S., S.E.B.C ,
S.C. & S.T. Category
05 years(subject to maximum 45 years )
3. Women Candidates of E.W.S.,S.E.B.C ,
S.C. & S.T. Category
10 years (including 5 years relaxation of
reservation for female candidates)(subject to
maximum 45years)
4. Ex Serviceman, including E.C.O. /
S.S.C.O. For appointment to any vacancy in class-3 and class-4 posts in Gujarat Government, an Ex-Serviceman shall be allowed to deduct the period of actual military service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post for which he is seeking appointment by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit”
(subject to maximum45 years )
5. Disabled Candidates maximum up to 10 (ten) years subject to his / her ability to discharge duties attached to the posts, as may be performed by any other normal persons, on the bais of production of medical certificate prescribed by GAD circular dated 01-12-2008 from the Medical Board.
6. Government Servant No relaxation in upper age will be available to Government Servant.
Note :- For interpretation of any clause of this advertisement and for recruitment proce
Note :- For interpretation of any clause of this advertisement and for recruitment process the recruitment
rues and examination rules of the post shall be final.
The details of advertisement can be seen on website.
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